When u see it, it makes ur eyes trippy
My eyes are trippy bro
Bro have u seen an optical illusion
by mewskicekĚČ October 31, 2020
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Getting a handy from a midget while wearing horse-blinders so that all you can see is a pair of tiny hands on your junk making your junk look huge.
I've waited my whole life to get the optical illusion, and it made me feel great!
by Dump truck January 3, 2017
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when a man wakes up hungover and looks at his wiener, and sees a red ring around it. This ring is actually the red lipstick that the woman blowing him off last night was wearing.
i looked at my wiener and saw the Ringworm Illusion, and almost passed out.
by PRAZO50 January 21, 2009
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The theory that time does not exist, popularized by British scientist Julian Barbour. It states that our minds have created time to keep everything from happening all at once, meaning everything that has ever happened and everyone who has ever been born all happened at the same time.
The Illusional Time Theory states that since time does not exist, people and things like Jesus, dinosaurs, Hitler, Led Zeppelin, the U.S. moon landing and the sinking of the Titanic all happened at the same time.
by CelticEagle February 18, 2019
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if you live an california, you only have the illusion of safety from ohio.
by TapCat November 6, 2022
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Illusion-hacks a cheat provider for games which are always undetected.
Man, are you cheating?
What are you using?
Well, Illusion-Hacks.
Ok, I am going to buy that! ;)
Yeah, it's undetected.
by IzzyMichiel March 8, 2017
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The Holmaf illusion is a famous illusion discovered by Mike Hawk.
1: Hey wanna see the Holmaf illusion with me?
2: What's the Holmaf illusion?
3: Hold ma fucking balls in yo mouth.
by spookianne September 21, 2023
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