The act of throwing up into an empty sharing bag of fruit pastilles whilst in a moving vehicle
I had too much to drink last night, ended up having a fruity spew in my husband’s car
by Phoenix 2019 March 1, 2020
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After a nice Italian dinner wrap your cock in a cannoli and spew naughty. I would like a bowl of spew naughty with my Chianti. Italian saying that replaces Spumante as a dessert.
Would you like a after dinner treat of spew naughty?
by Baracki Obama November 20, 2020
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When one cannot stop talking filth with one another
I.e. Smoles could not stop spewing bullshit with his brothers.
by anon17385927 January 26, 2014
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A phrase used when you don't want to say "I'm on my period" out loud.
Girl A: Hey, wanna come ice skating with me today?

Girl B: Sorry, I can't. I'm spewing sauce. (sighs)

Girl A: Oooh, that sucks.

Girl B: Yea, you know how bad it would be if I were to open my legs while skating. It would be the eruption of Krakatoa all over again.
by barpfarp123 March 9, 2012
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When you talk too damn much. Or when what you are saying is so ridiculous that cabbage falling out of your mouth rather than words would be more believable.
Olivia is spewing cabbage again. That hard boiled cabbage. She's nuts.
by Blizzyboy March 12, 2016
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VERB- The morning bathroom trip after a long night of drinking where you will have to grab the garbage can to puke into whilst explosive crapping your taco bell.

TL;DR-puking and shitting at the same time.
Hey Man, How you feeling.

I'm not feeling so well.

You alright?

No, I just had a nasty dook n' spew all over my bathroom.
by MASTER SPEW-DOOKER October 23, 2011
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Where you throw up a whole moutian of pruke, most likely after a long nite of drinkin
Hey joe go check out that moutian spew over there that ryan left for you
by pruke man 1000 August 19, 2009
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