When a person with a penis puts a scrunchie around their shaft while erect.
He sent me a picture of a crunchy scrunchie last night!! It was traumatic.
by applenanaa November 23, 2021
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One of those ancient dried up rotten bees, or similar you find from time to time on the windowsill, or around various carnivorous plants. Sometimes can smell of shit.
"Hey I just found another scrunchy bug by the window! Kids...we're eating tea tonight!"
by Mark Nordenstein April 22, 2007
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Scrunchie is used to describe something soft and crunchy at the same time, or can also be used to describe something scrumptious and crunchy
Dream: MmMmm oreo boi these peppers in your eggs are so scrunchie
Oreo boi: good I made them especially Scrunchie for you.
by Cat_is_Once December 24, 2021
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A scrunchie is ment for a vsco girl ONzly
You did you see that scrunchie drop?
She is so vsco!
by Lexi is dead October 17, 2019
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On October 24th ask a girl to give you her scrunchie and you have to wear it for 2 days or just keep it.
by F3AR_me hoe October 22, 2019
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The day a boy wears a girls srunchie all day
Girl: here my Scrunchie
Boy: it smells lie
Girl: awe
by 🥰🥰🥰 October 21, 2019
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