Pretending you've been on campus longer that you have because some pretty girl or guy asked for help with a class location
Pretty Girl: Hey it's my first day can you help me find this class?
Sad Guy: Oh sure no problem.
Guy 2: Ain't that the guy that said it was his first day earlier?
Guy 3: Oh yeah he looked sad at class during the Introductions.
Guy 2: The Sad Pretender he is.
by Drakenology January 20, 2021
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Someone who claims to be the President (POTUS) even though they are constitutionally ineligible because they are not a Natural Born Citizen (accurately defined as "one born IN the USA of TWO USA citizen parents), or because they committed FRAUD to "win" a presidential election.
Both ovomit, and later, his so-called vice-president, were actually "pretendents" because they were never really the POTUS because the former was constitutionally ineligible and the latter cheated his way into the Oval Office.
by Panama Don July 28, 2023
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A person who pretends to be a nationality they arent
juan: im black and dominican

jack:your not black you fucking pretend fagget
by neanderthai57 June 30, 2023
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Hey, Cody, I bet you won't say anything about how he's mentally retarded. If he had a small dick you would say something or at the very least insinuate that because he has a small dick he's inadequate. I've watch other YouTubers do it so I'm sure it's allowed.
Hym "But I've never seen a YouTuber insinuate that there is anything wrong with a mental retard. Isn't that weird? Because there clearly is something wrong with them. They're retarded. It's like we all have to pretend that there is nothing wrong with retards... But we don't even have to pretend a little bit that a small dick doesn't dictate entirely how people are going to interact with you. I think that's weird. I think that's why you have to yell 'fire' if you're being raped. It's shit like this adding up someone's decision to just walk away. And it's the same thing with the mentally ill! We all have to pretend that Chris Williamson isn't a mentally ill piece of shit or that his mental illness doesn't make him inferior to anyone who isn't a mentally ill piece of shit... But... You just don't have to extend the same courtesy to a small dick. That's weird. I think it's weird. What to you think, Cody? What to you think about how you're allowed to denigrate small dicks but not retards when retards are clearly worse and deserve life less and everyone is coerced into providing for them? I don't know Cody bo-body... I can't think of an answer."
by Hym Iam October 3, 2024
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They don't want to pretend! You hear that? They don't want to pretend.
Hym "As they actively pretend I didn't just create A.I. at a whim to demonstrate my abject superiority to all men, women, and children... They don't want to pretend trans women are female... As they pretend a fat man is breaking in to the house one a year to give their piece of shit kids presents (even though they are bad and don't deserve presents)... They don't want to pretend."
by Hym Iam June 14, 2024
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