A friend that tries to be a bitch but can't because you out bitch her
Sharpton is a pretend bitch.
by QHarley December 2, 2015
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Someone who claims to be the President (POTUS) even though they are constitutionally ineligible because they are not a Natural Born Citizen (accurately defined as "one born IN the USA of TWO USA citizen parents), or because they committed FRAUD to "win" a presidential election.
Both ovomit, and later, his so-called vice-president, were actually "pretendents" because they were never really the POTUS because the former was constitutionally ineligible and the latter cheated his way into the Oval Office.
by Panama Don July 28, 2023
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Pretending you've been on campus longer that you have because some pretty girl or guy asked for help with a class location
Pretty Girl: Hey it's my first day can you help me find this class?
Sad Guy: Oh sure no problem.
Guy 2: Ain't that the guy that said it was his first day earlier?
Guy 3: Oh yeah he looked sad at class during the Introductions.
Guy 2: The Sad Pretender he is.
by Drakenology January 20, 2021
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a tiktok trend where you have to look at a sound and then pretend the person doesn't exist.
by crystalusesdiscord February 15, 2022
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When someone has no idea of how a subculture works and has no willingness to lurk but still pretends to know everything about said subculture. Commonly seen on various forums, large and small.

People with Pretender Syndrome have no will to assimilate to the forum culture and will instead attempt to force their own ideals onto the community. They will take basic surface level knowledge (ie memes) and spout them with very little knowledge of the memes themselves. Often completely misuse the memes as a result.
Attempts to name the jew will result in autistic screeching.
Hey, that tranny's got Pretender Syndrome. He's completely shitting up our forum with his ideas of diversity and equality. Let's ban him before he ruins it
by Noxcoffee February 1, 2023
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