A term coined by a member of the Villanova track team that is used to express a variety of things ranging from extreme upset to extreme excitement.
A young lady had an extra ticket at a Villanova basketball game and saw a large black man yelling, "Tickets, tickets!" She thought he wanted to purchase a ticket so she approached him and said, "I have a ticket I can sell you." When he informed her that he was looking to sell tickets, not buy them, she got pissed and yelled, "SHIT ON MY DICK!" to that mofo.
by Tai P June 11, 2007
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'I shit on your dick'/'Ma cac pe pula ta';

The ultimate romanian insult dating back to medieval times when the glorious romanian ruler Prince Pazvante the Blind used this vulgar phrase as a formal declaration of war.

In contemporan times the phrase is more commonly used to express extreme disrespect towards one's identity, ideas, opinions, nationality, race, memories, gender etc. to the point of actually tearing to shreds and discarding someone's existence as a whole.

It is an offense not just to the manhood of the person insulted but to his entire life experience up to that point.
Mihai Eminescu: 'I actually think Romania joining the European Union was the best move for our country's... '
Ion Creanga: 'I shit on your dick, Mihai, shut the fuck up, nobody fucking asked you and nobody fucking cares what you think or do'
by LilȚeapă October 21, 2021
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when a black guy's dick is so small, it actually looks like a piece of cat shit.
Girl 1: holy shit. look! that black guy's dick is so tiny!

Girl 2: no shit man, he's got cat shit dick syndrome.
by al3xal3xis July 14, 2010
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When one takes a huge shit on a dick making the dick climax or “nut” by sucking on it repeatedly and swallowing there own fecal matter
Robby: did you hear last night Johnny did a good ol’ shit dick nut suck

Mark:Holy Shitaki mushrooms I didn’t know a human was capable of such a crime of shitting on a dick then sucking on it
by Brodman585 March 16, 2021
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An exclamation, like 'holy shit.'

Was originally created when the curses 'suck my dick,' 'holy shit,' 'Jesus's nipples,' and 'fucking hell' were combined to make the ultimate curse.

Can also refer to the Pope having dicks on his nipples which spew diarrhea, but this isn't as common.
by Red Fleming March 23, 2011
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Something that is extremely gay, nothing else in the know universe can possibly be gayer.
"Oh man I can't believe that guy just grabbed my balls, that was so gay!"

"No dude that wasn't just gay, that was shit on your dick gay."
by Mr. Naperville December 15, 2009
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