the largest group of GBF's on earth (gay best friends).... these guys usually throw decent parties, know a lot of girls, and stand back while every other fraternity hooks up with their meat.... they later talk to the girls about how awful womanizing is and that they will be best friends forever.... some have even been reported as the maid of honor at weddings.... luckily, they have other fraternities such as TKE to boost their status at various campuses across the globe....
damn i am glad that casey went phi sig

the only thing worse than going phi sig would be to go TKE

i wish casey had gone TKE instead of phi sig
by rush gamma mu March 19, 2007
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Phi Sig are a national fraternity that is founded on the basis of everyone being exactly the same. They have a large membership because they will hand out a bid to anyone and everyone. The prerequisite to being a Phi Sig is having a trust fund and low self esteem.

Things that are included in your "pledge package":
one backwards white Hurley hat
one gallon of hair gel
one pair of abercrombie vintage jeans
one hollister button up
one pair hollister sandals
one month LA Tan tanning package
one white lavalier

Phi Sig guiding motto: "Now be sure to look and talk exactly like everyone else"
Man, those guys all look exactly the same and they are all wearing Hollister shirts. Oh, their Phi Sigs.
by NIU student April 19, 2007
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A very accurate, well made, over hyped and overpriced brand of handgun. Comes in almost every pistol caliber imaginable. Do yourself a favor and get the cheaper, more durable and just as accurate Glock.
You spent how much on a Sig Sauer? Shit, for that amount of money you could've bought two Glocks!
by BillyBobGunNut September 18, 2007
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Also known as Sigma Phi Epsilon. This fraternity takes pride in achieving an above average amount of Title IX reports from assaulting women at parties.
Emma: Hey I heard you got a Title IX, what fraternity are you in?
Dan: Oh I’m a Sig Ep.
Emma. Makes sense.
by heyowassup March 26, 2022
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1. An elite UCSB Party Fraternity that pulls in mad ladies---from Freshman to porn stars. Sick as hell, though notorious for poor judgment.
1. Zach: Bro, what happened last night at Sig Ep? I heard you got dome from that porn star hanging out by the keg, then boned the shit out of her.
Sunny:Ya,it was bomb, but I hope I didn't get her pregnant.
Zach: Not funny

2. Sunny: Dude, I think you should Rush Sig Ep.
Zach: Why's that?
Sunny: Because you have terrible judgment.
Zach: What do you mean?
Sunny: I mean you ate out a fucking stripper!
Sunny: Not funny

by Thizzmasta707 February 9, 2008
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Those who choose to be different and different meaning better.
Ever have sorority girls love you cuz the letters on your chest? Ya I thought not ATO's...
by Dave Hasslehauf July 15, 2003
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1. a place where mostly everyone is welcome, but everyone is always looking to hook up. if you don't connect with someone at the sig haus, that's ok; they just weren't looking to hook up with your type anyway.
2. a haven for broster types
1. "Hey, girl, what're you up to tonight?" "Well, I'm gonna try the sig haus, so I might come home empty-handed."
2. "Are they nice guys?" "Yeah, they just are awfully sig haus."
by Audrar March 25, 2011
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