This means you are one of the fortunate people who have found your place in the corporate or government "trough" and you are very unlikely to make waves as long as the "trough" keeps getting slopped.
DC politicians are fat and happy since they are "troughed up". They are willing to pass any law that brings personal benefit.
by apennysaved December 14, 2009
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the act of 2 fat bitches (women resembling swamp donkeys) 69ing the hell out of each other.
guy1: jim got in the middle of a particualy nasty pork trough last night.

guy2: r.i.p. jim...
by ihatefatbitches January 24, 2011
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A phrase first used by a young man called William from Central Queensland, Australia in an incident involving a dyslexic message on a get well soon card.

Originally spelt 'knok the troth'

Now in common usage as a colourful way of saying 'tap that' meaning attempt to have some semblance of sexual relations
Person 1: Look at her/him, s/he's hot!
Person 2: Would you knock the trough?
Person 1: Oh yeah!
by The Original Teeny September 9, 2006
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When several people become severely drunk at a party and their is only one bathroom for those several people to vomit within. The sink and toilet are already occupied with the regurgitation of that nights partially digested morsels of former delight. The remainder of 3 or 4 people trying to find a place to vomit occupy the bathtub, huddling over the edge resembling farm animals flocking and jostling each other around a trough, which on a farm oddly enough resembles vomit.
Marc: Dude I have to open my anus's flood gates and release the passions of my bowls into the serene waters of the bathroom toilet.

Matt: You might want to prairie dog your turd and run to the McDonald's next door, there's a party trough going on in there.

Marc: DAMMIT, ARGHHHHH (sprinting out the door)
by Baxter Baxter September 7, 2011
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A trough intended for white men to bend over and fart in, a popular alternative to the widely known pee trough
Hey guys, I need to fart, excuse me while I bend over and expel my wretched dutch air into the puff-trough in that bathroom. Seeya!
by Tairy Greene September 2, 2009
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her jeans are so tight you can see her sauce trough
by The Sick One January 29, 2009
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