" Did you hear that Jimmy scored again last night? That guy is on a roll!" "Yeah he's a real Connor Schmidt now"
by TheDude6969696969 May 22, 2017
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The pulsating state of an erect penis, when a penis is engorged to the extent that the blood distends the skin of the penis (specifically the glans).
When I jerking off on Devon's sweet face and about to pop, my dick was all mitch schmidt.
by Victor Sanchez III December 27, 2013
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The most powerful being ever. He is yes and the best. So ez....
Oh, how I love Cooper Schmidt. He is so powerful and I worship him every millisecond of my useless life.
by Coopoopezcope November 15, 2021
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A man with no honor, Will make bets and not pay his debts.
by Timothy Schmidting September 24, 2023
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A petite girl with blonde/brown hair. Jacy Schmidt have blue or green eyes. They are one of a kind. Some people refer to Jacy’s has frootloops and others refer to them as Snooklems. Jacy Schmidt’s are bueatiful and funny!!
by Ansley Ann January 19, 2018
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When a man is so henpecked by the females in his household that he can only take a pee sitting down, just like a female does.

Taken from the Jack Nicholson movie "About Schmidt," in which he plays a widower who continues with this habit long after his wife died.
"Whoops, the apartment managers are coming over today to inspect the place, and I've just cleaned the john......guess I'll have to try taking a Schmidt."
by ferdii6069 April 23, 2016
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