When you look at someone and then look away but the person you were looking at looks at you. Then it is an awkward back and forth glance that never reaches eye contact.
It was an akward switch stare for a minute
by Jammy Hulbrien March 12, 2018
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When your supervisor or manager asks you to complete a task and you put the task/duty onto another coworker while on shift.
Last night at work my manager asked me to do something during my shift. I found my nearest coworker and gave the task that I didn't want to do to them. Task Switching is really difficult to pull off since it must be consensual for the employee receiving your assigned task.
by calinelly July 13, 2021
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When two people keep switching lanes in an attempt to not cause an accident. Typically caused by people who blindly merge.
Man, I was driving to work and this lady nearly hit me and made me do the lane switching tango.
by Rusty BallsR 69 October 29, 2021
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the mental process of putting yourself in someone else's shoes, so you can consider how they may be thinking and how they may be feeling
Before reacting to something someone says to me at school, I should do some shoe-switching first.
by Cuz it's free August 14, 2018
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A sex activity where you and your partner/partners form a circle ass up, then a person in the center of the ass circle uses a lumpy cucumber to fuck a person of their choice. Then the two people swap places and the new person in the center gets to choose who to fuck with the lumpy cucumber.
Yeah i had a good weekend. Me and the boys had a lumpy switch around on saturday so i spent all sunday cleaning up.
by NotNotGeno January 11, 2021
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“Senior Switch Up” refers to individuals (typically in their senior year) who undergo massive changes regarding appearance and/or behavior. This may affect their relationships and social interactions.
Ellen saw all her senior friends change drastically. She didn’t realize the senior switch up was real.
by bigballzjr June 24, 2024
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