A friend who is named after their old oc just with shart

if your nickname is frost shart then sorry but your named after a cold turd
You: "Hey frost shart! nice name is it because you ate a turd once"

frost shart: +starts weeping+
by PHEOthenotgayattackhelicopter November 25, 2021
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Your 20ish(maybe) friendo from a social media who can sing really well and u should rlly stan them owo. Their also super funny and fun to confuse often. They Really ReAlLy REEEEALLLY like cats (like to the point where they act as one -.-.) and they have an odd casual face. They are fun to roleplay with and an overall gr8 friend whos also a lost cat mk bye owo!
Guy 1: o hey is dah frost phoenix?
Guy 2: o yeaaaa! Lets join a karaoke call and stalk him as he sings :DDDDDDDDDDD
by HeyItsWolfeh September 1, 2018
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After one gets a spray tan they get a facial immediately afterwards turning their skin into a frosted orange motif.
After she went to salon the only thing that could cool her down was a frosted orange.
by zomBmoon May 16, 2023
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when you cum on your friends food or beverage
person 1: hey man could you give my morning coffee a frosted jackson?
person 2: sure thing man! let me see the cup
by bobs_bluecheese March 13, 2022
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When to take a shit and decide to have a wank (shit wank combo), then proceed to ejaculate onto said defecation, thus ‘frosting the cake
Holly: Hey Chelsea did you hear about Rowan frosting the cake?

Chelsea: no, what’s that mean?

Holly: it’s when you take a shit and jizz on it.

Chelsea: oh right on! Nice!
by Nick loves yogurt July 30, 2022
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The act of sucking fresh fecal residue off of a girl’s ass hair during intercourse
My girl finally let me suck the frosting on candles laste night
by Absolutelegendunit September 16, 2018
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