A word used along with a *motion* of self-harm.
"Grace spoke to me"

"Ahhh! Self-harm! *motion*"
by Pete Bennett Rocks Your Socks October 28, 2006
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“who is that”
“that’s lucy harms
“taites harms sister
by lucyiscoo1 March 23, 2021
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Sexy and somewhat androgenous guitarist for Hate In the Box. Rumor has it that he humps cats, though...
Dude got drunk and pulled a Prynce Harming on his poor cat in front of everybody!
by ~A BrOkEn ToY~ October 21, 2004
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A stupid way to cope. Please never do this, if you are in crisis, reach out for help. Self-harming won't help you. Please take care.
Boy: Are you okay?
Girl: I self-harmed..
Boy: Please get help. Don't self harm.
Girl: Okay.
by alexbitchboy December 26, 2022
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Dave: You alright there Steve you look a little uncomfortable?
Steve: Nah mate my nob is red raw, I overinduleged in some self harm whilst watching loose women earlier.
by superjac March 27, 2008
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Young women’s tendency to become involved in troubled relationships with the wrong men…over and over again.
"Jane must be suffering from prince harming syndrome. Her new boyfriend seemed sexy at first, but last night he was selfish, mean and disrespectful. He'll probably turn out to be slime...just like her last boyfriend."
by QNY August 25, 2009