cop out math guys use at their convenience usually to try and win an argument on an online gambling forum.
"it was too small of a sample size to determine a definitive answer" or "you need a larger sample size to determine a definitive answer", whichever suits their postion at the time.
by IrishTim January 25, 2012
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(verb) The act of licking your fingers and then wiping them on your friend (usually across the teeth or face)
Here friend, have a fresh sample.
by Kyle Stienberg January 4, 2009
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to masterbate.

Was created while NYU students were trying to come up with ideas for research in applied mathematics and though of doing research in masterbation. One student volunteered to "collect some samples."
Yo man I need to go to the bathroom and collect samples for this project.
by en1ightened August 17, 2006
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a) someone who lets anybody get them.
b) someone who likes having pplz all up on them.
c) hoe!!!
your such a free sample!!!
you stupid free sample!!! let anybody do stuff like that to sample!!!
by Kelli and Vanessa June 16, 2008
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Inserting wet noodles into the anus to check for cleanliness before performing a rim job or anal sex.
Before I went anywhere near the brown hole I had to do a chinamen sample to make sure is was clean.
by capnhowdy August 13, 2015
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Some cunt that sticks lava lamps up her butt!
Dre: Is that Shayla Samples?
Trish: Yeah, dat her.
by Dre12121212 April 1, 2009
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People who act like they are going to buy something but just go in the store to look at funny or odd things take pictures of merchandise or for the ac or they are gang bangers trying to steal something
Susie and John acted like they were going to buy something but really just stole some Vodka and was store sampling.
by Harmabumman October 20, 2011
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