Shoving a whole corn cob up an anus.
Hey Brian, I totally Iowa Crinkle Holed your mom last night.
by Handlebar Jim December 10, 2020
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(phrase) unwillingly single until you become too old to be a viable option
I’ll be “single till I crinkle.”
by yourmommadoes March 7, 2020
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A woman who twists her face up to try and be good looking in selfies but looks like an used pack of potato chips instead
Jazmine has a crinkle cut hoe bag face with her selfies today
by SavageBP November 4, 2017
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to punch someone in the butt hole. butt hole = crinkle star
You better quit fartin', or else I'm gonna crinkle punch you so hard, it knocks dat gas out ya nose.
by crinklestarlette January 4, 2014
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Crinkle Shitstein is a play on words of Rumplestiltskin. It is used to describe someone who looks weird and creepy or like a bootleg Rumplestiltskin
“Look at Crinkle Shitstein over there, he’s about to make a deal with someone for their 3rd son”
by Durbrisbdjanw November 7, 2021
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