Jerry-"Yo im outta here"
Sebastian- "Aight one"
by Jonah Lee August 25, 2009
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Used when someone either doesn’t agree with you or doesn’t believe you.
girl- “babe i didn’t cheat on you, he’s just a friend!”

boy- “Yea Aight
by papibibi June 14, 2019
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When somebody has something smart to say and you want them to say again for them and they don't say anything
Person#1:your dead a hoe stupid ass bitch

Person#2: what was that,the fuck you just say

Person#1: ........

Person#2: oh aight!
by Juicy_the best March 2, 2018
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The form of disagreeing with some one in a slangy way; said with lots of sarcasm.
Whatever; or you full of shit
D'evone: Yo, where my money at
J:What money nigga
D'evone:That dough I loaned you
J:You aint gettin' shit
D'evone:Yea 'Aight
by WooTheStar June 2, 2011
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phrase said at the end of a conversation to determine the point that a person understands what the plan is.
bro1: dude are we getting wasted tonight?

bro2: yeah man i hear brandon is having something.

bro1: ok, lets get some beer and get over there!

bro2: aight den!
by bromontana179010 February 20, 2010
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What redface always be saying ya feel me
Blueface: I need a freak Bitch that don't give a fuck

Thotiana: Yeah I'm here

Blueface: Blueface baby yeah aight
by Unknown nibba Papa 6669 February 5, 2019
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To say ok, sure, yea
Nigg 1 = yo u gonna go see that new movie called "we out''?
Nigg 2 = Aight Bet ;D
Nigg 1 = Aight Bet
Niggs 2 GF= Can i come?
Nigg 1 and 2= Aight Bet
by Fy Koop November 26, 2009
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