Slipknot is an heavy metal band from Des Moines, Iowa. With nine band members, Slipknot has toured all over the world and has 3 major albums. Slipknot is most known for their masks and jumpsuits that they wear onstage and in their music videos. Some of their major songs are Duality, Wait and Bleed, and Before I Forget. Slipknot loves all their fans and affectionately call them maggots. They even did a video shoot for Duality with over 400 fans from the midwest. One kid even came to Iowa all the way from England to be in the video. We were there for 13 hours in rain and 40 degree weather wearing t-shirts. Slipknot is loved by many many people.
Slipknot is the best heavy metal band in the whole world.
by Amy S November 14, 2005
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Very loud, very fast band. Fastest drummer I've ever heard, and the rest of the band keeps up and in time. Not the most complicated or artisticly impressive music, but fuck it - it's metal... what do you want?

In the rare moments the vocalist sings, his voice is pretty decent. 90% of the time, he belches out words in a rapid-fire growl-scream that makes your throat hurt to listen to. Effective for the lyrics and crowd Slipknot plays to.

If one is to believe that Slipknot's lyrics represent the true feelings of the band, these guys wake up more pissed off and hateful than any remotely sane human should ever be in the worst situation imaginable. Therefore, it is safe to say they are a marketing creation geared toward angst-ridden 15-23 year old white males. On drugs. A lot of drugs. A lot of hard, powerful, brain-raping drugs. (The band - not necessarily the target market.)

Technically impressive, artistically passable, lyrically horrid to the point of amusement.

Fear anyone who belives Slipknot's lyrics were written just for him out of pages from his life. The average disaffected adolescent white boy is destructive enough - if he rallies around Slipknot lyrics, you've got another Timothy McVeigh just waiting to happen.
by The Evil Steve August 19, 2005
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Pretty Much The BEST band on the planet! Whoever says they suck makesmewant to punch a baby!! They have Awesomely Awesome talent!! Joey Jordison is just about the greatest drummer in the whole FUCKING Universe! Metallica SUCKS!!
Adrian: So....Who's Your Favorite band?
Charlie: I would have to say Metallica
Adrian: Dude, That's not cool....Slipknot is Way Better!
by Adrian Pulley February 28, 2006
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1. A band of occasional interest (e.g wait and bleed)
2. Cry of Neds on seeing anyone who is not of their Ranks.
by Trotsky&co January 18, 2004
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An awesome nu metal band that is very famous but very underrated. IF you dont like them you have no taste in music.
Have you heard of slipknot?

You have not lived life yet my friend
by Tailor Lanclos June 17, 2021
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Ok,so i see alot of "definitions" here are mostly opinions, and im here to write a true DEFINITION.I would define slipknot as not Nu-metal,cause if you really listen to their music, and as much as you guys hate to admit it, they're much heavier(listen to their album "All Hope Is Gone" and you'll see what i mean)then the Nu-metal bands out today(e.g mudvayne,disturbed)but maybe juszt heavy metal with death metal elements.The band consist's of 9 members. i agree 100% that it isnt nesessery to have so many when you can only hear about 4 or 5.Saying that the band has no talent is just bullshit.Sure, corey may not kno how to scream very well but that doesnt mean he cant have a great singing voice(which he does). And to say that joey jordison is an overated drummer is also bullshit. Sure, hes no frost,hellhammer or dave lombardo but hes definitley one of the better drummers in the metal scene today.To say that the guitarist's dont have talent is yet again,bullshit. listen to the guitar solo in vermillion and you tell me theres no talent there.Sadly, i cant really describe the other members beacuse i can only hear them in a few of their songs.And that is my definition for Slipknot.Love em' or hate em' but definitly respect them and really listen to them before judging them.
slipknot hater: i fukin hate slipknot!!! there just another pussy Nu-metal band that should burn in hell!

me:*puts in "All Hope Is Gone" CD.

slipknot hater: omfg! *starts headbanging*

by blackmetalfan666 April 12, 2009
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The perfect band for people who dont like alot of SCREAMING, but for people who want something between SCREAMO and hard rock.

Guy 1: yo dude what i wanna hear somthing a little more heavier than "disturbed" but not as heavy ass "cannibal corspe", what band kinda fits in between those two types of music?

Guy 2: ohh dude you should listen to slipknot, it fits right in there between those two.
by Jswag October 30, 2008
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