Acronym for "Normal Ordinary Respectable Person." Used as a pejorative by those who consider themselves part of the counterculture.
"This party happens once a year and he won't even call in sick. Says his wife wouldn't approve. What a NORP!"
by quietman May 18, 2009
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Secret code for porn. Used when discussing in public or whenever deemed nessecary.
"Dude, that was some killer norp you had."

"Yeah man, your mum made all the difference."
by Ramblaron August 15, 2006
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see pron
miss-spelling used by underage guys to hide directories containing porn.
by MinDPhuK April 6, 2003
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The person who walk into a porn movie and does not know where the hell he is.
“Hey what’s that norp doing here, I’m trying to film a movie!”
by Harilabos February 19, 2020
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Smelly Nick who likes to suck dicks
Hes just like Norpe, he sucks
by Alex December 30, 2005
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To prod with a stick,i.e. norping stick.
Norper-Someone who norps.
Norped-To have been prodded with a norping stick.
Mike Philpott-A norper.
I am going to norp you.
Stop it you norper.
Oh no! I have been norped.
Mike Philpott is a norper.
by Ye Pugh June 14, 2004
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Derogatory term for a person who ISN'T a SpEd used as an insult by people with learning disability's, esp when some one does something fundamentally stupid. (after all Einstein was a SpEd)

by Dru id August 30, 2007
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