117 definitions by the2ndflood

1. The tipping over of a portable outhouse.
I thought I would PottyBumber for the first time and I got S**T all over my new shoes! Karma's a bitch!
by the2ndflood November 14, 2007
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"Asian Fakies" are a very rare type of model And/Or adult film star that is both Asian and has breast implants. Asian women normally do not get such enhancements, so Asian Fakies are not very common. But this makes them more unique. Examples of Asian Fakies include Francine Dee, Minka, Lena Li and Sakura Sena.
It's weird; I'm not always into breasts implants, but I have not yet seen any Asian Fakies that I did not like. It's just so rare that it's sexy on a whole different level!
by the2ndflood August 1, 2008
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1. A form of music where-in the person needs no instrumental skills to preform it. 2. A generic type of music where one artist just copies from another. 3. A type of music that creates generic stereotypes that cause all who dress, act, and speak like them to be viewed as criminals. A so-called art form that trend-followers, follow blindly.
Pathetic Rap Music is for those who can't play, write, sing, or dance. It's the easy way to be the same as everyone else.
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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MILFY TIME is when a man goes out to club, bar, ect; for the sole purpose of finding an older woman to be with. Whether it be for a sexual encounter or for a serous relationship.
(Man 1) Where do you want to go tonight? (Man 2) I wanna goto the Blah-Blah bar. (Man 1) But most of the time that bar is full of MILF's. What about dating someone your own age? (Man 2) F**K That! Anytime is MILFY TIME for me!
by the2ndflood August 1, 2008
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The Term "Making A Moon" is a sexual term. It means stretching someone anus out as far as possible; making it into a moon-shape.
(Man 1) How do you want to get to Florida; do you want to fly there? (Man 2) Hell no! With security as paranoid as they are. I don't want some guy Making A Moon out of my butt hole!
by the2ndflood August 1, 2008
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A "Hype Shopper" is someone that blindly buys whatever item/s are popular at that point in time. These types of shoppers are considered to be the "Perfect Shopper", because the companies can control these types of people so easily. Hype Shoppers tend to have the personality of a (Conformist). Which basically follows the guideline "If everyone else is doing it, and I do it, then I'm cool for being the same as everyone else." This causes them to not have their own well established personalties, but rather pick and choose what to BE based on the current Trends. Hype Shoppers also tend to buy name brand items over cheaper generics; because name brand items are considered a "Status Symbol."
A good example of a "Hype Shopper" can be found with the sales of Apple's iPhone PDA. Apple used various media sources such as TV, Radio, and the Internet to create a Buzz around the unknown device. It was promoted as a Must-Have. Apple was so good at this, that Hype Shoppers were more then willing to wait in long lines, spend excessive amounts of money, and deal with numerous service issues; all for the chance to own the so-called "Jesus Phone". Even though the device was unknown at the time in it's performance and offered most of the same features that could be found on PDA's that were being sold for half the price. Some customers spent thousands of dollars on early Termination Fees, iPhone sales off of auction web sites like Ebay, on top of wireless carrier activation fees and contracts. In the end, all because a company was able to control these customers like a dog on a leash. Even after many customers had their phones fail after unlocking them And/Or downloading Firmware updates, these customers still waited in the rain to buy the iPhone 3G.
by the2ndflood July 26, 2008
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(1). A Republican who hosts The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel; a channel with ties to the Far-Right American Republican party. A So-Called Independent who was thrilled when George W. Bush was reelected to the presidency in 2004, but then told the Democrats not to rub their victory in the faces of the Republican's, when the Democrats won control of the US House and Senate in 2006. (3). A bully who uses his audience as a tool to win debates on his show. (4). A person who was accused of sexual harassment around the same time his first children's book came out . He of course settled the case out of court and swept the incident under the rug. (5). A Rich-White-Male who made a racist comment after visiting a Black-Owned and Run restaurant in Harlem New York; "(Bill) I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks. There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, '@#$%^&, I want more ice tea!'" (6). A Stereotypical Religious Fanatic who is against gay marriage, Stem cell research, abortion, illegal immigration and equal rights for gay and lesbian's persons. (7). A person that uses his show to spread Republican ideals, hatred, and fears. (8). A tool of the Bush administration. (9). A lier.
Bill O'Reilly is such a lier! He claims to be an Independent, but always defends George W. Bush! If a child called George Bush a Poopy-head, Bill would sound off on it using his show.
by the2ndflood November 2, 2007
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