117 definitions by the2ndflood

A "Wiki Supposea" is what all Wikipedia formats end up as. A Wikipedia is "Suppose" to be an online web site where users can Add & Edit content profiles. Profiles related to Countries, States, Devices, Music, Movies, Persons; basically anything that needs some kind of record and description. The Term "Wiki Supposea" comes from the fact that the Wikipedia format is flawed. The problem with this type of system is that there is a small-group of persons that take it as their own personal responsibility to monitor all Edits made to the various profiles. This causes 90% of all Edits and Add-On's to be deleted by these users. These types of users are called "Wiki Demi's". A Demigod is a creature that is almost a God. So Wiki Demi's refused to allow any new, outside content edits. So unless the content is written by another Wiki Demi; it is DELETED. This prevents any new true Unbias info from being posted on the site. Since every single profile already has a small group of Wiki Demi Editors, there is no room for anyone else to help contribute to the site. And since the purpose of a Wiki is to allow ((ALL)) people to contribute with their own knowledge of the subject, Wikipedia will always remain a Wiki Supposea; and will end up containing Bias and Inaccurate information.
Well, I tried to help out again on the Wiki Supposea and my info was deleted as always. It doesn't matter that I went to school for the topic and understand it's inner working completely. So I guess because I'm just a basic editor who has a life outside of the Internet, and doesn't have 24/7 to sit around bulling other editors; I will never be allowed to contribute to Wikipedia! I thought the idea was for everyone who knows something about the topic to help out. But it just ends up being that the 10% MINORITY rules Wikipedia!
by the2ndflood August 25, 2008
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A Republican Race-Betrayer is the very rare Phenomenon in which a Black or Hispanic man or woman chooses to be a Republican over being a Democrat or independent. 95% of the time Republican's are White-Christian males and females with a very limited understanding for anyone who is Non-White or Non-Christian. So anyone that comes from a Non-White ethnic background, who chooses to be a Republican, is often times viewed by persons from their own culture as being a Race-Betrayer. The Republican party was started in the mid 1800's, where slavery was a common practice. This does not imply that all Republican's are racist. But current out spoken Republican's like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter; have done little to dispel the idea of conservatives being only for the support of White-Christian's, instead of an "ALL PEOPLE'S" acceptance model. As America has grown to include people from all different races and belief systems, the Republican party has remained almost unchanged in their views of others. This in the face that Caucasians are becoming less of the majority and more of the minority race in America. So Race-Betrayers, especially is predominantly Non-White areas of the USA, are viewed in a very negative light. The support of a political party, while not always looked at as being relevant to true change, is still viewed as the only way to bring about change. So the support of a political party like the Republican's, that have a very ify record of including people from all walks-of-life, by those very people who are NOT included in it, are then by all accounts a Race-Betrayer.
I could live to be a 1000 years old and still not understand the mindset of Republican Race-Betrayers. A Black man supporting the Republican party is like PETA supporting the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. It's doesn't further any of that person's human rights.
by the2ndflood April 5, 2008
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1. A man that is way out of his league with the ladies. 2. A man who is a level 3 or 4 going after level 10 women.
Do you see this guy? Is he really trying to hit on me? He is a No Card Stud. What the hell is he thinking!
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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1. Reaching an orgasm while on a pain killer. 2. The use of a powerful pain killer to enhance the pleasure of cumming.
I had a Percogasm last night. It was okay.
by the2ndflood November 14, 2007
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A Born-Again Christian is a person that through some sort of difficult time found Christianity. These Christian's tend to be far more fanatical in their beliefs. There is 2 categories for Born-Again's. 1. (Passive) These Christian's tend to be grounded in their beliefs. They tend to keep their own beliefs to themselves and except the faults of others. 2. (Pesters) These Christian's tend to have more conservative, and often times more ignorant views. They try and force their beliefs on everyone around them, regardless of those persons own beliefs. Pesters often times view the world through a very narrow mindset. Which includes the viewing of homosexual's as Sinned-Creations, meaning (Born with Sin) and feel that homosexuality is a choice not a biological fate. That anyone that doesn't choose Christianity as a religion, is wrong and therefore destin to face Hell upon their death. That Evolution is a myth, not a proven fact. That the Earth was created some 2000 years ago, instead of 4.5 Billion years ago. That Dinosaurs never existed. Pesters beliefs are based solely on the Bible. If the Bible does not explain it, then it is wrong. This has led to many groups like the KKK, who used the Bible to deem African Americans as less then whites. To the Witch-Hunts of the early 20th century. All the way up to today where Pesters use the Bible to justify acts of violence against abortion clinics and homosexuals. The most notable example of this kind of ignorance is the Crusades. A Christian war that waged for hundreds of years in the early, to late 1000's. Pesters and Passive Christian's do not hold the same type of interchangeable ideals; as passive Christian's do not hold the same fanatical views as Pesters, and therefore are not driven by the same kind of ignorance.
A Born-Again Pester came up to me at the store today and tried to convert me. When I told him I wasn't interested, he told me that if I continued to live my life as a Non-Christian, that my soul would be doomed to Hell. He then said he would pray for me. When I asked him how he would feel if I told him I was going to pray to Satan in his name, regardless if he wanted me to or not, he got mad. So I told him by him calling my beliefs wrong, and by telling me he would pray for me no matter what I said, that it was the same as me forcing my religion onto him. Beliefs or not, it's not his right to use my name in such a way. Then he just quietly walked away from me.
by the2ndflood March 11, 2008
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Blog Photo Smearing is when one web site steals a photo from another and then ruins the photo by putting their web address all over the image. Since the Smearing web site never took the original photo, nor did they pay for it; they have no ownership rights over the photo. But by smearing the photo with their web address; they then make it seem like they were the first ones to post the image online. The biggest problem with smearing is that many people use these photos to make custom Wallpaper for Computers and Cell Phones. So when several different web sites steal the same photo and smear it, that photo is then made useless for Wallpaper. The second biggest problem with this is each web site resizes the photo to fit their own personal needs. This then causes quality issues, because each site is showing a different Scaled-Up or Scaled-Down version of the same photo. Even worse, some Celebrity bloggers like Perez Hilton steal photos and then smear them with completely unfunny and completely useless comments. Making Wallpaper creation impossible. Examples of this can be seen by visiting any of the Celebrity Image Blog web sites.
How the F**K can I make custom Wallpaper when every waste-of-space blogger keeps Blog Photo Smearing the same pictures?! Some of these stupid sites even smear their web address several times over the entire picture! It's not theirs to begin with; so tagging it as theirs doesn't actually make it belong to them!! And dumb ass Perez Hilton's stupid comments aren't even funny! He ruined a photo of Pamela Anderson by drawling a little guy saying "Help" between her boobs. Wow! Real creative!! I wish I could be that cleaver!! So there is one hundred sites; all sharing the same photo; but each tagging it as their own! F**KING pointless!! Thanks Jack Ass's!!!
by the2ndflood August 4, 2008
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Breast Break Sex is when a sexual partner intentionally looks to break the breasts implants of their partner. The implants never even come close to being broken, but it gives some guys a weird type of motivation to be at their best in bed. Some woman are into this type of rough sex and foreplay.
I don't know man. This girl was so hot I just wanted to have Breast Break Sex with her! I kept smashing her fake boobs together, and that made her even hornier! It was crazy!
by the2ndflood August 4, 2008
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