63 definitions by psiscott

THE new - to CANADA - Mercedes misnomered smart car. Word invented by psiscott once he saw this car with his little son. Can be used to describe any small useless or gaudy car such as many rice rockets
Little Buddy: "Daddy, huh..huh..what is THAT!?"
Daddy: "OHhhh, that's one of those stupid new fart rockets! Instead of offering available alternative fuels, we get offered that useless undersized winter-worthless four-wheeled over priced, MODERATELY fuel efficient, bicycle!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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An individual that talks too much. Someone who talks endlessly on a phone dominating the conversation.
Madge: "I got a call from Burl last night, she talked on and on and on about her Iguana and quilting club. I ended up putting the phone down, making dinner going to the washroom and coming back to hear her still going on about Roe vs. Wade! She never paused or had me speak once!"
Gwen: "What a yakasaurus!"
by psiscott April 10, 2006
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1) Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel (born October 17, 1938 in Butte, Montana) is an American stuntman, best known for his public displays of long distance, high-altitude motorcycle jumping which often resulted in serious injuries, particularly during the 1960s. The consummate salesman, he was able to turn his popularity into a marketing juggernaut with products ranging from radios to toy action figures. His achievements and failures got him into the Guinness Book of World Records several times including his record thirty-five broken bones.

2) A term used to describe a guy who just did a rad stunt, either by accident or on purpose.

This IS the correct spelling of his name.

1) "Evel Knievel tried to 'jump' over the Snake River Canyon. Motorcycles seemed to have become too boring, so he used a rocket for this disaster. Apparently he needed his flying licence before attempting this and hit the chute as soon as the rocket cleared the ramp. A dismal failure. Akin to Geraldo opening Capone's safe!"

2) Max: "Did you see that guy try to jump that bog on his 125cc dude?"
Scott: "Oh, yes. How could I miss it. Did he ever find his bike after swimming to shore?"
Max: "No! Looks like Evel Knievel will have to get daddy to buy him another one!"
by psiscott April 11, 2006
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I am surprised that this word is not here yet....now it is.

Etymology is the study of the origins of words. Some words have been derived from other languages, possibly in a changed form (the source words are called etymons). Through old texts and comparisons with other languages, etymologists try to reconstruct the history of words — when they entered a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning changed.

A word often misused and mispronounced 'entymology' which is the study of insects!
Etymology in action:

"The etymologist spent hours describing the origin of the word "nice" to the students. Unfortunately no one understood what he was talking about and were all in a deep slumber after 10 minutes."

"The dean spent weeks trying to track down the entymologist to give a lecture on the derivation of the word 'aunt.' When the entymologist finally arrived discussing the workings of one of the most interesting insects on Earth, the dean was promptly fired for being a fraud."
by psiscott April 11, 2006
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Use this if you do NOT know what you are saying.
A term used by wannabes to try to look intelligent.
The term is 'chaise longue.' French for 'long chair.' Not LOUNGE chair. Although similar in spelling. Not similar enough for intelligent people.
Jim: "Beth, bring me a Corona; I'll be out back in the 'chaise lounge.'"

Beth: "It is 'chaise longue' you moron; get your own BEER and get me a real BEER...a CANADIAN! Man bitch!"
by psiscott April 21, 2006
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used to describe a guy who is excessively on steroids.
An athlete who has obviously taken juice.
small bag A bodybuilder on steroids or juice. Could be used amongst fellow steroid / juice users who know each other is on the stuff.
Scott: "Hey, sesame seed scrotum, where is my Dianabol?"
Max: "I didn't use the D-bol, I took the fucking Winni you bonesmoker!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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Akin to dillweed but more derogatory sounding. A dolt moron dwanker wank wanker spaz idiot moron senseless
Joey: "Scott, I put all the papers on your desk into that little box by your filing cabinet, I hope I didn't disturb anything important?"

Scott: "Oh, no Joey you didn't disturb anything, you fucking DESTROYED EVERYTHING; you put my entire 700 page unpublished novel draft into the shredder you fucking dillwad!!!!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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