63 definitions by psiscott

A term possibly invented by Don Henley of the Eagles in his song of the same title. Junk news. Gossip. Heresay blown way out of proportion by the news media.
Don: "..Got the bubble headed bleach blond, comes on at 5..she can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye...get the widow on the set..give us dirty laundry."
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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Something that should have never made it into ANY media A terrible movie a stinker a bomb boxoffice bomb.
A news story that is of ZERO interest to most of the world. The French Lieutenants Woman is a fine example. Most Jeremy Irons films. The English Patient Many of Ebert's critiques. An ad for tampons. Many ads in general. Infomercials Remakes of remakes chick flick
"I went with this new girl to see a flick last night, I nearly fell asleep. It was so so bad I don't even remember the name of the shit! What a waste of electrons!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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Used while ordering a beverage - alcoholic - to be consumed straight; without ice; accompanied only by the glass which surrounds it. Often used by men wanting to impress a woman - or another man. Often used by those who think they are better than others. Used by those who know nothing special - other than this unique word - around average to above-average folk who don't need to use such words because they don't flaunt their knowledge. Used by wannabe bartenders or egomaniacal bartenders when ordering - even if the drink tastes like piss 'neat' - just to impress another bartender, or waitress/waiter, with their flashy bar grammar.
Josh: "I'd like a peach schnapps NEAT please."
Bartender: "Would you like it in a glass or over your head putz?"
by psiscott April 11, 2006
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A combo word derived from "gargantuous" and "enormous."
A synonym of ginormous or egantic.
"I went to look at the new airport. I couldn't find my way out, it was garnormous!!"
by psiscott April 10, 2006
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A term used to describe how badly someone is shaking either from the DTs or nerves or while attempting to do something small and detailed like threading the eye of a needle.
Described thus in reference to when a dog takes a dump, it often shakes its hind-end or whole body during the task. If it were razor blades being defacated, then the shaking would likely be infinitely more pronounced!
Scott: *trying to put a nut on a bolt wedged way up inside the frame of his car* "I can't...quite...get the mother...shit, I just had it...FUCK...I can't get it, my arm is going numb!!!"

Max: *watching Scott fumble and shake as his arm becomes spaghetti from the tedious task* "Dude, your shaking like a dog shitting razor blades."
by psiscott April 11, 2006
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A psychotic action often done after one runs out of crack or rock. The user's mind is so fucked that he/she thinks that they must have dropped or hidden a piece of rock or crack so they proceed to bend over or get on their knees looking all over the ground or carpet to find this imaginary - but very real in their mind - piece they "dropped."
Ken: "I don't have anymore, and my boy is not answering his cell!"
Dick: "Is that it, I have $5 bucks and my Nikes if you can get another piece."
Ken: "He doesn't want shoes that are ripped to shit and $5 won't get you a slice of fucking soap knob!"
Ken - looking all over the living room, under the couch, in the closet picking up every piece of lint and bread crumb on the floor - "Fuck, I know I had another piece!"
Dick: "Quit specking guy, you're fucking me up...just go to bed!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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NOT so excellent when said sarcastically. Used in a derogatory manner to mean exactly the opposite of its true meaning. Said when a complete SNAFU occurs and usually inflected upwards at the end so that instead of saying the "EX" with more force, you gradually increase the pitch and distress in your voice as you follow through the word. Delivery of "excellent" is an art form mastered by the most sarcastic individuals who have experienced far too many fuck-ups. A cluster fuck expression.
Max: "Remember I told you we won the lottery, well, I took the ticket in and found out that I had a ticket from LAST MONTH'S draw, I felt like a total stooge. Sorry dude, we actually didn't win that $6 MILLION."

Scott: "Excellent!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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