37 definitions by lucy-fer in the sky with diamonds

when you get too carried away with slapping a person or persons.
It could just be that you went on a slapping spree (greatly encouraged by me by the way, they're fun!)
or that you got so pissed off with someone that you just physically couldn't stop slapping them.

see doodle happy and scissor happy
person #1: "awwww owwww look at my face, is it red?"
person #2: "yeh why?"
person #1: "my ex-girlfriend got slap happy"
me: i feel like going on a slapping spree...anyone want to come and get slap happy with me?
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one of the best indie/punk/alt bands there are.
i cant believe there's no definitions for them on here!
so im gonna give them the definition they deserve.
such gorgeous music ranging from soft rock to almost folky type stuff, utterly unique.
Fronted by mark morriss who wrote my favourite poem of all time in the back cover of their 3rd album 'Science& Nature'.
Anyway...yeh fronted by Mark Morriss (or Big Mo)
his brother Scott Morriss , Adam Devlin and Eds Chesters.
Played near where i live in november....my brother went to see them and stole the set list off the stage...and went on the tour bus ....and met the band.
They write all of their own songs (why would they need covers when they're so damn awesome?)
Some of their most well known songs are 'Bluetonic', 'Are You Blue Or Are You Blind?', 'Marblehead Johnson' and 'Keep The Home Fires Burning'.
If you've never heard of The Bluetones then you deserve a slap but at least after reading this you now have!!
*Mark Morriss is a lyrical genius in his own right*
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contrary to popular belief the term 'fat knacker' is quite often used to insult someone who is not actually fat. But who is stuffing their amply sized gob full of something a fat person would eat.
Implies that they get knackered whilst eating hence the term fat knacker.
Also can be used to describe someone who is just insanely fat and gets tired shuffling to the fridge.

(note: i have absolutely nothing against fat people, the term fat knacker would only be used (in my case) to describe someone fat and a total ass wipe)
WTF! you're going back for another hamburger? you better hurry up and eat that then you fat knacker!

Fat Person: 'Ha! look at that bitch Lucy over there'
Me: Shut the fuck up you fat knacker!
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Pronunced: Scum

*sigh* ....this word just fills me with anger...because townies really are the scum of the universe.
I'm not even going to bother trying to describe them, there's plenty of totally spot-on definitions of them on here. Basically anyone that hates them with the passion that i do, you have my respect and total support in the killing of all townies and (God forbid) scallies *shudder*
some townies are ok mind, but more often than not the 'nice' townies are just the most annoying creature you have come across, usually the cronies that follow around the pure evil townies that need to be shot.
There is no example i could give that wouldn't start me on a two hour rant about how much i hate townies...I HATE THEM
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Definition of insomnia....me!
Inability to sleep, either difficulty getting to sleep, waking lots during the night or waking up too early in the morning.
Insomnia comes in three different forms: Transient insomnia - lasting for a few nights
Short-term insomnia - two to four weeks of poor sleep
Chronic Insomnia - poor sleep that happens most nights and lasts for a month or longer.
(hence me being here at 05:08 writing definitions)
Can cause physical side-affects and is often caused by some underlying mental cause ...most commonly; depression.

Insomnia Trivia: David Baddiel has terrible insomnia
David Baddiel scetch: If you tell someone that you have insomnia, why do they always go..'oh really cos im always asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow'?
Its not like if someone told you they were blind you'd go... 'oh really cos i can see perfectly...blimey is that the Pyrenees?'

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Gorgeous music, gorgeous lead singer....

related word: all the best ones are gay
Days before placebo came, freezing cold and empty...
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