13 definitions by kater

everything everyone else said was WRONG WRONG WRONG
a knifeparty is a deftones song based upon the belief that a knife party is a place where people go to inject themselves with drugs. In the first line they say "My knife is sharp and chrome." A chrome knife is another name for a syringe used for injecting drugs into your bloodstream. "Come see inside my bones" is probably talking about injecting himself. "I can float here forever" is describing getting high. The other lines in the song all work with the same theme as well. The album title is a reference to high grade cocaine.
druggie 1: eh you goin to dat knife party?
druggie 2: fo shizzle cant wait to shoot up l be so jonesin'

hm whats your favourite song off of white pony? l like knife party :D chinos voice is instant orgasm l swear my gf hardly has to touch me when l hear that song l'm offffff!
by kater January 2, 2005
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ac/dc. rollingstones. justin timberlake. buncha other bands, came to toronto, because no one wanted to come to toronto cause of sars but then everyone got better, so it was fine and we partied and it was a lot of people, cheap tickets, fun times.
dude did you go to the rollingstones and friends sars benefit concert for toronto?!?

pssh? sarsstock yeah l went, kicked ass. l love ac/dc
by kater January 31, 2005
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In mythology, he is the angel of death.
In Kevin Smith's movie Dogma, he is a muse, a self proclaimed artist, who refused to fight on either side when there was a war fought between heaven and hell, he chose not to fight on either side, waiting to see which side won, before deciding where he stood, a true fence sitter, anyway when all was said and done, it could be argued that he remained neutral but he was kind of screwed for being such a coward... ln the film he was played by Jason Lee...the same guy from Mallrats who said, say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?
anyway: So after the fallen were banished to hell, God turned on those who wouldn't fight, and Azrael was sent down with the demons.
Azrael: Oh no, I've seen way too many Bond movies to know that you never reveal all the details of your plan, no matter how close you may think you are to winning.
Azrael: No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air.
OR my favourite:
Azrael: But I'm a fuckin' demon.
by kater September 6, 2005
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okay well, its a 4 piece indie band, and you know the postal service?
(theyre a band too...) The postal service's female vocals is provided by jenny lewis and so jenny sings for both bands.. and its funny cause she sounds so sweet but the lyrics are dirty
like oh my god lets go listen to rilo kiley "lt's New Year's Even l'm in Glendora, l'm the only living person in Glendora"
by kater October 26, 2004
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a common style of clothing worn by hippies, it can be hand made, by using elastic bands on shirts and then adding random dyes and washing it all together and it makes 'groovy' patterns. Though anyone who wears tye dye now a days probably buys it like that, and might wear it as part of a costume or to be ironic.
hippie: whoa dude..I spent all night tye dyeing my socks man, grooovy whoooaaaa *gets high*

mom: when I was a girl I had a tye dye backpack

dude: God this room is bright, it looks like one of jerry garcia's tye dyed shirts!
by kater June 8, 2006
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extremely gross or disgusting; attended to by unfavorable circumstances
Wow... that dried vomit sure is oogie!
by kater October 21, 2004
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When a member of the straight edge
straight edge: one who abstains from smoking, drinking, being permiscious and in SOME cases are vegetarian/vegan and don't consume caffiene --When a member of the straight edge, recalls the day they "claimed" being edge for the 1st time, not everyone knows or cares about it but some do.

Edgeaversary presents don't really happy, parties don't really happen, its just like OH HEY I'VE BEEN BEHAVING MYSELF FOR __ YEARS NOW! THAT OWNS!
Example 1:
sxe kid 1: Eh whens your edgeaversary?

sxe kid 2: Meh l don't remember, but happy edgeaversary anyway! lts cool l'm glad to know theres people who aren't in it for the fashion and scene and actually care about being edge, thats awesome man, stay posi :)
by kater January 1, 2005
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