131 definitions by jonaThan

A punch to the cooter.
Smashing the vagina with your fist.
She wouldn't put out so I gave her a burger shot.
by jonaThan December 5, 2004
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A grab on the rear of a snowboard. . . not quite the tail, not quite an indy, but all gay
Hey ian I tindied your mom last night
by jonaThan January 7, 2005
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The special power posessed only by Jews that enables them to identify Jews by looks or, at most, hearing them speak. It is imporant to note that non-Jews do not and cannot have this power, as many of them naively believe that all Jews are fair-skinned with huge noses and jew-fros. Only some of us are, shmucks.
You'd be surprised at how many Jews come in here.... my jewdar is off the charts.
by jonaThan January 18, 2004
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shit, poop, caca, #2, etc..
Man! That burrito really made me have to go fwah!!!
by jonaThan August 30, 2002
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Stuffla is a condition of complete randomosity in a person that results in madness
Hola Stuffla Batman!
by jonaThan March 15, 2003
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king off all living, and is perfect in any way possible, and is hereby better than any other persons inhabiting the earth.
Wow look its Jonty, lets bow to him
by jonaThan May 14, 2003
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A temporary solution that has been implemented on a permanent basis.
That constuction trailer has been in use for years and has become perminary.
by jonaThan July 28, 2004
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