40 definitions by john wesley

A dildo so large, one could find easier ways of inserting a hippo instead. Usually a gag gift, but you know if they make it somebody can sure the hell use it. As a derogatory remark, something (person, animal, thing, etc.) may be called a Dildopotamus in reference to the fact that besides looking like a dick, otherwise, they are useless.
I ordered some sex toys off the internet and they left this giant dildopotamus on my doorstep.

If you dont quit calling things a dildopotamus in front of the baby, shes going to wind up saying it.
by john wesley February 11, 2008
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The bitch in the back seat on a road trip that will not shut the fuck up about what is on the radio but also thinks dance music is required to play no matter what the occasion or where you are going.
backseat DJ: "i wanna shake my booty!!!!"
driver: "shut the fuck up, it's 5a.m. and we are going to the airport."

by john wesley February 12, 2008
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artistic expression used to describe the latest flood of cookie cutter songs from every current-era female pop musician. Recognizable by the usual accompaniment of pianos or violins, these are the songs that are inducing the collective menstrual cycles of the radio free world. Although usually reserved for female musicians, the term can, in some instances, be applied to the critique of male musicians if the estrogen level is deemed beyond the “Seminal Trappings” term assigned to the same music.
Female: Recently, while watching VH1, I found myself really enjoying the Vaginal Moanings of Sara Bareilles and Taylor Swift.
Male: Recently, while watching VH1, I found myself really enjoying the Vaginal Moanings of James Blunt.
by john wesley February 7, 2008
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A coma-like, mid-afternoon sleep like state resulting from a) "whoring it up" the night before; b) planning to "whore it up" later in the evening or c) a combination of the two.
1: anyone seen Jay lately?
2: he's taking a whore nap, better leave him alone.
by john wesley February 22, 2008
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A member of the Fire Department whose only apparent job is to stand in the front yard of the scene with arms crossed, otherwise not doing a damn thing.
I had to drag the hose around the Yard Gnome on my way into the house fire.
by john wesley February 9, 2008
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Someone who can't resist a yard sale item no matter how fucking useless in either:
a) the attempt to resale said piece of shit for a quarter profit or...
b) thinks they will have a pretty good use for said item later
Patrick was such a crap herder, he picked up some broken tables from the trash collection pile and brought them to work.
by john wesley February 9, 2008
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RTFQ(squared). Testing instructions to Read The Fucking Question Twice.
If you're not sure about it, RTFQ2
by john wesley March 5, 2008
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