17 definitions by garcalej

A small, furry species of domesticated rodent that is regularly entrusted to small children as a means of testing whether or not they have any sociopathic tendencies.
We gave our daughter a hamster last year. Surprise.......she flushed it down the toilet.
by garcalej June 25, 2018
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A historical flag dating to revolutionary times, when it was still used as a symbol of the colonies coming together to fight the British.

Today, a symbol flown mostly by loudmouthed conservative chuds declaring their allegiance to House Slytherin.
Fuck the Gadsen Flag.
by garcalej November 9, 2021
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Name pretty much says it all. If perchance you should ever want to see your favorite cartoon character naked, this is the place you'll likely see it.

That or indulge your usual Furrie/Bronie fetish, you sick, twisted fiend.
Deviant Art. Just cause you can't draw doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
by garcalej December 11, 2018
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That county which lies between the Atlantic and Pacific, and thus bestrides the world. Full of more confidence than is wise, full of more hope than its own history has justified. Ever bewitched by destiny and ever made humble by experience. A land that can build railroads, spaceships, and computers, but still can't see certain people for the hearts that beat within them. A place you so desperately want to hate, but cannot help but love and admire.

The land of a thousand stories.
America......it is what it is.
by garcalej June 14, 2019
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All I know is that if you put this word on your resume, the HR person will get on their knees and suck your dick.
Go to Harvard, son, if you can. It's the door to opportunity, and employers will perform fellatio on you just to hire your magnificent brain.
by garcalej February 12, 2015
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1). In tennis, whenever a player misses an otherwise easy or effortless shot due to their own inattentiveness rather than the opposing player's skill.

2.) In politics, a polite term for when someone ends up creating their own scandal through poor or tactless decision making.
1.) Bobby Sands failing to make that save at Wimbledon was an unforced error.

2.) Donald's Trump's statement about Mexican migrants "bringing in drugs" and being "rapists" during the 2016 campaign was an unforced error that cast a cloud over his entire presidency.
by garcalej May 3, 2018
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