12 definitions by elisa

A boy not of age who is a dicklicking fragile little panzy flower who enjoys knitting with his grandmother on his birthday. Often beat up for being a loser, he can be seen spending his Friday nights at the library skimming the National Geographic magazines in hopes of catching a glimpse of some saggy black boobs.
You're such a little hj16 (fagget).
by elisa February 16, 2005
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When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected.
That definition about moving around really fast is wrong.
by elisa August 22, 2004
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a name for a female. the combonation of Kate and Lizzie. As seen on Lizzie McGuire.
OMG Kizzie! i think Ethan was looking at me in Gym!
by elisa July 13, 2003
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when someone takes advantage of somebody else's sacred trust, and goes off and fucks somebody else.
my roomate frequently cheats on her boyfriend.
by elisa January 11, 2004
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a name. the combonation of alyssa and miranda. commonly used in Lizzie McGuire.
Airanda, I need help trying to get Ethan to like me!
by elisa July 13, 2003
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something on someone smells really foul.
" Next to halitosis, I would say his breath is swant"
by elisa March 3, 2004
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v. to consume alcohol or other substances
n. a gathering of people to have a good time, often with alcohol involved
"Do you party?"
"Hey, let's go to a party."
by elisa December 27, 2003
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