13 definitions by docsterx

PolLunatic Fringe - those candidates for office who only have a vague contact with reality.
Palin, Santorum and Bachmann are so out of touch with reality they're charter members of the PolLunatic Fringe.
by docsterx June 28, 2011
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One partner in a pair of married gays.
"Hi, I'm Jim and I'd like to introduce you to my gaymate, Bob."

Jim and Bob used to be just playmates. Since they got married, they're gaymates now.
by docsterx June 26, 2011
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Amount of someone's head that is aching and injured after an unsuccessful fight.
Have you seen Brian? He got into a fight in a bar and lost. Now his head has a huge soreface area.
by docsterx July 7, 2011
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A weak, fake, snide "retraction" of all or part of a statement made by conservative after his feet are held to the fire.
Republican apology-

Republican: "She is a stupid, fat, lazy, slut who has no integrity!"

Attorney: "Mr. Limpball, my client is prepared to take legal action in regard to that statement."

Republican: "My remarks certainly weren't meant to be insulting; she must have misunderstood me <wink, smirk, nod>."

Audience member: "Damned, if that wasn't a real republican apology!"
by docsterx July 21, 2012
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Speaking like Mitt Romney. Boring, pointless droning on political topics with minimal show of emotion and frozen facial expression as he lies and changes political stances from minute to minute. Listening first produces a zombie-like state followed by unconsciousness.
A mitteration:

I am strongly in favor of a woman's right to choose.

(Next day) Unless she chooses an abortion.

(Two days later) Or to marry another woman.

(Three days late) Women shouldn't need to choose anything, they should be subservient to their husbands.
by docsterx September 13, 2012
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Newly defined political party. Crazier splinter group from the main Grand Old Psychotic party.
Don't want tax increases = Tea party
Join with the largest (ultra) conservative group (Republicans)
Trying to CON the American people into believing that the Teapublicans are working for THEM and not Big Business.
Ron: "Does anyone know what the TeapubliCONS agenda is?"

Paul: "Yeah, it's get rid of Obama even if they have to destroy the whole US to do it.
by docsterx July 31, 2011
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The limbic system in the brain is the seat of many emotions: wildness, uninhibited sex, rage, cravings, addictions, happiness and more. It's an "older" part of the brain found in animals and humans

When the limbic system is activated, the person can turn into a real animal: hypersexual, raging, laughing, craving, just uninhibited and wild in general.
Jim was so pissed when that car T-boned him he went totally limbic and flattened the other driver.

Tina was really horny. I barely had the door closed when she went totally limbic and tried to rip my pants off.
by docsterx October 17, 2011
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