6 definitions by cockford ollie

the jazz hands routine is when you use your computer or smartphone to look up information online, this pisses baby boomers of as they had to spend hours on end looking through manuals and books to find the information they needed.
-i cant find the schematics for this circuit.
-just do the jazz hands routine
by cockford ollie October 25, 2020
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Mansplaining - explaining something with common words, activly avoiding technical and proffesional language
the pen warriors at the office just gave me this document, i dont understand it. can you mansplain this to me?

"...when you pressurise this thingamajigger this part wil move out of the way, revealing this hole and blocking the other..." -yeah yeah, stop mansplaining. i am not a child!
by cockford ollie December 5, 2020
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term used by techinicians about electricity
-plug this pixie receptacle into the socket.
-don`t touch anything, it still has a lot of angry pixies in it.
-im installing this pixie wrangler to the circuit to make it start a little smoother.
by cockford ollie October 25, 2020
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AKA adjustable wrench, crescent spanner, monkey wrench or nut fucker.

technical properties: perfectly rounds of any edge on nut, bolt or cap.
-What happened to the bronze cap on that tank?
-i dont know but i saw the apprentice walking around with the 30" swedish nut lathe
by cockford ollie October 25, 2020
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-where did that flashlight go?
-i have looked for it for an hour now, i think its migrated to the land of 10mm sockets
by cockford ollie October 25, 2020
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