12 definitions by carnette

when you have the feeling of being depressed but at the same time you are also hungry
person 1: "I feel deprhungry man"
person 2: "wanna grab some starbucks then?"
by carnette September 23, 2023
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An expression for disapproval or just when your friend's annoying you and you want them to stfu so you write something random
"Dude I was first place in the maths contest"
by carnette September 23, 2023
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when someone is horny and their moans sound like a chicken squaking

or when someone is acting like well "a horny chicken" aka doing something gay or really downright retarded
"You saw what Emin did in class?"
"Yeah dude he kept squaking like a horny chicken".
by carnette September 23, 2023
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when you cop a feel for a woman because of her soft boobs and have thoughts of squishing them on your dick
"man that girl has such fat titties they be giving me squobies"
"dude what the fuck"
by carnette September 23, 2023
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a nickname to severely offend a suicidal person with "a slit wrist" aka someone who cuts themselves daily
Person 1:"im so depressed ill never find anyone"
Person 2:"yeah ok mr.slitwrist."
by carnette September 23, 2023
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