24 definitions by b0Bz0r3llo

Catchphrase of a character from BBC Three's "Little Britain" comedy series. Now annoyingly repeated ad infinitum by thousands of chav kids too stupid and unimaginative to come up with thier own comedy material, and usually sounding fuck all like it's meant to, therefore losing all hint of comedy merit shown in the original.
stupid chav kid #1:"come on, we've got maths next"
stupid chav kid #2:"yeairanno"

stupid chav kid #1:"you owe me £50 for that mad weed i got you yesterday"
stupid chav kid #2:"yairanno"

teacher:"if you fail all your GCSEs you'll find it hard getting a job"
stupid chav kid #2:"yairanno"
teacher:*smacks stupid chav kid #2 square in the jaw. All the other kids give a cheer*
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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He's not a retard. As someone else already pointed out, that's offensive to those who are retarded but struggle on with their lives. George Bush jr. never had to struggle for anything other than to take a shit out of his coke-constipated colon. George Bush jr. CHOOSES to be as dumb as he is, chooses to deal with the people he deals with, chooses to shaft the US public whilst telling them he's celibate. I can only hope that one day he has a heart attack whilst his cock's stuck in the donkey on the white house lawn, so the press find him like that...
Bush said the US had proof Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. 8 months prior to 9/11, Bush had members of the Taleban over to discuss the building of a major section of an oil pipeline through Afghanistan (suprise surprise, now it won't cost so much)
Bush claims to have human rights as his main concern (hence the afghanistan invasion and then iraq) yet continues to ignore widespread human rights abuses in nigeria (but there's oil there, and Shell), saudi arabia (he's still buddies with their rulers though), the sudan (nothing of monetary value there, so who cares eh?), chechnya (ditto), somalia (ditto) and so on. You gotta love his consistency (about the same as oil, i'd say)
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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boobs, tits, titties, boobies, breasts, baps, balconne (sp?), jugs, melons, palmfruit, nipplesacks, balloons, coconuts, etc.
whadda pair of gazungas!
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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further to current definition, it should be noted that over the past 12 months or so, there has been a surge in torrent sites offering "free downloads" but where you have to pay a monthly fee to join. Some of these sites claim to be anonymous (bullsh*t by the way).
All these sites are simply mirrors of freely-available sites, carrying links to .torrent files for use with BitTorrent. The pay-to-join sites mostly don't even host any .torrent files themselves (that's how they get around the law) and this, in turn, means if you are actually stupid enough to shell out for any of these sites, you have lower intelligence than the average boiled sprout. Go shoot yourself in the gut, right now, to ensure you can't produce any spawn stupider than yourself.
"This great free 100% legal (yeah right!) downloads site is definitely worth the money to join. Because, y'know, we aren't just linking to torrents you can find for free elsewhere.
Look, just give us all your money, dumbass"
by b0Bz0r3llo February 14, 2005
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plural of nad; meaning testicles (pair of) (unless you're really unlucky!)
this water's freexing my nads off!
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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means more than just "drunk" - actually means "aboslutely fuckin wasted off my ass!"
i went out drinking last night and got bladdered so i couldn't see further than a couple of inches in front of me
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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Most unquestionaing, bovine-like bush worshippers have similar hobbies... They usually include listening to garbage rock music, obsessing over the south, and bashing anyone who isn't President Bush, declaring him the best President ever despite having only lived under a grand total of 3 different Presidents.

non-Bush bashing usually includes the infamously popular 'north vs south' argument, as well as the 'unpatriotic' factor. In reality, Bush's daddy had even more money and power, which is how bush jr got into yale, and a cushy tour in the national guard during vietnam despite effectively failing his pilot's exam.

Many of them have really no legit reason to like President Bush. Although Bush has had one or two honest moves in his terms, few of them have affected any of his supporters directly. None of them are physically fit enough to go to war if there ever WAS a draft (which there won't be), none of them will ever get laid and have to worry about their partner getting an abortion, and few of them if any have jobs and even if they did, the 'tax breaks for the rich' (that means the more you earn the less taxes you pay, dumbass) aren't going to effect them... particularly because Bush + his close mates got most of the tax breaks and a big fat tax return, paid for by the millions of his supporters in the low and middle classes.

Even worse are the ones that don't know about the world outside America, and reside in such politically important places (NOT) such as any of the thousands of one-horse shithole trailer parks. Bush is a faggot, i doubt he's ever taken a genuine risk in his entire life
Americaner: Yes, Bush is ze best! He attacked the country that my indirectly genocidical power of a nation was making millions off of in shady deals with. Now we're making BILLIONS off of them instead! UP WITH BUSH!
by b0Bz0r3llo February 10, 2005
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