13 definitions by aksival

The act of being second in line to another person, especially in an undesirable situation.
Example 1
Rich second-lined Sam in the bathroom at Taco Bell...he barely made it out alive.

Example 2
"I heard Mike was second lining every drunk girl he could find at the party last weekend."
"Yeah, he's got the drips now."
by aksival February 1, 2007
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1. The uncanny, irrefutable act of being a juggernaut; acting in such ways as to depict a juggernaut or juggernaut-like character.

2. Being an asshole.
1. That guy was juggernauting around on stage like he owned the whole theater.

2. "I wish you'd stop juggernauting around...my parents are really starting to get pissed off."
by aksival February 12, 2007
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The combination of the word "raunchy" and "tonsils". Although the term is not gender-specific, it most commonly refers to a female who is forced to take a vicious fart in the mouth.

'ronsils' can also occur as a result of a fart sandwich, but is not nearly as funny as the first condition.
We held Vicky down and farted bare-ass right into her mouth...she had a bad case of the ronsils for at least a week :)
by aksival September 12, 2007
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1. A phrase used to indicate one's negative feelings regarding a proposed situation.

2. A courteous declination to an unpleasant proposition.
Dude #1: "Hey, man. How would you like to spend a night with that beast?!?"
Dude #2: "I'm thinkin' Arby's!"

Friend #1: "What do you think about going to Kevin's place after the game?"
Friend #2: "No way, dude. Kevin's a jerk! I'm thinkin' Arby's."
by aksival December 17, 2006
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To fuck inconsiderably hard, resulting in torn vaginas, chafed penises, and bloody sheets.
Rob and Tammy kept me up all night bed slamming in the guest room.
by aksival November 9, 2007
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The most common race of human beings known to Earth, specifically noted for their uncanny ability to remain obscenely mediocre and oblivious for the entire duration of their lives. Mediocredites tend to live in herds and are subliminally controlled by any sort of authority that can utilize and manipulate them with ease, especially advertisement agencies and government.
The government can easily manipulate the mediocredites, effectively limiting the concept of "power to the people".
by aksival February 19, 2008
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A term most commonly used in technology fields which describes the process of overcoming technological challenges by using spontaneous, irrational, and otherwise ignorant solutions that will most likely lead to much bigger problems in the future.
The email server went down again because the last systems guy that worked on it asshacked the configuration.
by aksival June 8, 2007
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