14 definitions by Zegeroth

The common name of Pyrrhocorax, a genus of European blackbirds related to crows. There are two species of chough, the Alphine Chough and the Red-billed Chough. Named after the sound they make, which resembles a grown man being forcefed penis through his nasal cavity.
I am getting tired of that chough choughing outside my window.
by Zegeroth September 17, 2007
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A fake word invented by The Mars Volta. It was actually a typo; lead singer Cedric was trying to type "flipside". Rather than change it, Cedric thought it sounded cool so they kept it.
by Zegeroth September 26, 2007
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A word that is often used to refer to racists, sexists, etc. But really just means anyone shallow, selfish, spiteful, unforgiving, and who generally has their head up their ass. Racists and homophobes are not necessarily "hateful". The word you're looking for is "bigot".
Hateful people should be tolerated and forgiven, not hated.
by Zegeroth September 17, 2007
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The best tool for spying on your neighbors.

Ever since that hot chick moved in next door, my eyes have not left my binoculars. Oh shit she saw me!
by Zegeroth September 25, 2007
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1.) Character from His Dark Materials series. Baddest motherfucker around. Drives a hot-air balloon and don't take shit from nobody.

2.) Someone who displays aggressive levels of bad-assness.

Definition 2:

"Did you just see that guy shoot the other dude with a .45 cocked sideways, blindfolded!? In a snow storm?!"
"He's one bad-ass Lee Scoresby."
by Zegeroth September 26, 2007
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Give me a king size Snickers any day. Now THAT's fun size.
by Zegeroth September 27, 2007
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A slight phonetic and orthographical variant of ain't, a slang word that is a contraction of "am not". Usually understood to be a direct variant of an't. May be accompanied by innit.
Bloody wankeh stole my girl! That en't right, innit?
by Zegeroth August 3, 2007
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