2 definitions by Yeethasbeentaken

A cheap computer that is good for schools trying to get a good bang for their buck, but they cannot run intensive apps. They are not bad, but their operating system was designed in a way so they cannot download and run apps unless you turn on Linux (beta). They can be fast, and unless you need downloaded apps like steam, then you will be fine with one. Some have pretty good parts, like Core i7s and 16 gigabytes of RAM.
Person 1: Chromebooks are all bad!
Person 2: It really depends on your use case.
by Yeethasbeentaken May 8, 2020
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A type of computer that many troglodytes think is the best around
troglodyte: the MacBook (apple computer) is best
Normal person: no it's not
by Yeethasbeentaken May 6, 2020
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