3 definitions by TicklishHoneyBee

A poorly engineered thing; particularly one that is over-complicated, with excess and unnecessary parts. The term comes from a Heinlein quote/novel.

"If one is building an electric motor, one uses only the parts needed to do so. You would not, for instance, add a bathtub simply because one was available."
"Why does this thing even have one of those?"
"It's a bathtub motor."
by TicklishHoneyBee June 2, 2023
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Acronym for Bitching About It With You.
When two (or more) people disagree about how terrible something is, but want to rant at each other about it anyway.
Person 1: *posts a long rant about something*
Person 2: *posts an equally long reply bringing up different points*
Person 1: "Agreed! That's pretty much what I said!"
Person 2: "Yeah, I'm just baiwy."
by TicklishHoneyBee June 29, 2023
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Acronym for Last Boosted Toot. When posting on the Fediverse / Mastodon, LBT means you're referring to the last post that you boosted (shared, reposted).
LBT: that hashtag always brightens my day.
by TicklishHoneyBee October 17, 2023
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