62 definitions by Spirit Bear

Used to refer to the act of anyone in an undisputable position of power.
Can be used to identify the action of a BOFH deleting a user account; a company that outsources to a call center telling the call center to fire a particular employee; a MUCK wizard modifying someone's props or a GM (game master) causing unlikely events in a RPG.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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Call center jargon. This is the excuse that a call center or your hiring agency gives you for your being canned.
"My bullshit reason for Stream was they said I was browsing porn" Jeremy said, "even though they have a blocking proxy installed and I wasn't at my workstation when it supposedly happened."
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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Credit Card jargon for a set of computer algorythms designed to detect unusual and possibly fraudulent activities concerning the use of a credit card.
That guy got fraud falconed because he made a hundred dollar purchase after not using his card for two years.
by Spirit Bear January 29, 2004
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Rims that cost as much as a house.
Just thow'd some house shoes on the 'lack.
by Spirit Bear October 14, 2008
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Inability to install or use apps that add additional functionality.
Some Facebook users have an apticap that prevents them from using apps because their confirmation email keeps getting sent to " ".

John's phone is apticapped because its memory is locked by the manufacturer.

The iPhone is apticapped, allowing only apps approved by Apple, but Jailbreak is the cure.
by Spirit Bear November 30, 2009
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Call center slang. This word encompasses the statistics that are taken on call center agents to determine their worth. Usually includes average handle time (AHT), wrap, hold time and a few other basic metrics as well as a few 'spin' metrics added by the client to give the client a feeling of control.
They said Rob got canned because of poor metrics, but we all know the real reason.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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A vague indication of anything that may be smoked, usually in reference to marijuana. Could refer to pot itself, or the bong, or a spliff, or any other smokeable.
Dude, who's got smokeage?
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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