7 definitions by Slixx

When you're so drunk, you start to act like a fraternity brother
Cenk was so brolit on TYT Old School last night he ran around the stage naked and flexing his guns
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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Abb. Peachy Fucking Keen

- To be enthusiastic against all odds and whatever is happening in you life
- To be tenacious or a dog with a bone, keen to experience or participate in the next adventure
- A expression that everything is great, even when there are problems showing.

- To face danger with a feeling that you are going to win regardless.

As quoted in the 1999 film, Jawbreaker
Her: I know you've had a rough day, but maybe we'll stay in and Netflix and Chill?
Him PFK babe!
by Slixx January 9, 2019
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- When a subject, movement or political campaign has no momentum to reaching its perceived goal, usually from the very start.
- A sudden and abrupt halting to ones thrust or energy into achieving ones goal

This similar to joementum, but rather than it having the perception of momentum but not going anywhere, it is clear to everyone that it is not going anywhere from the start.
Cenk's bid to get to write literature about fraternity brothers has nomentum
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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- The combination of the initial frustration of being confused about a subject and then sudden realization that you don't really care about understanding it at all

- When you are confused about something you don't really care about
Listening to my colleagues explain the off-side rule in soccer, I slowly developed conapathy, as my eyes glazed over and I realized that I didn't really care about the explanation

Ben developed conapathy as Cenk explained what time TYT Old School starts
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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The term “ICE’d” or “ICEing” a charging station is used in the EV community to describe ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles occupying a space for an EV at a charging station
I arrived at the local shopping centre and wanted to park in the dedicated Electric Car Charging parks, but found them all to be ICE’d.

Screw them, I double parked in front of them and plugged my car in anyway
by Slixx November 28, 2022
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- Fine tuning or slight changes to a project or thought usually at the end of a project
- The final steps to improve upon a project or thought.
- When a project looks to be complete, but just requires a small improvement of change to make it 100%
When a project is nearly done, but not quite done, it just needs some tinkerage

The door we hung closes and works well, but just needs some tinkeage to have it sit level with the frame
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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- The combination of two or more unlikely partnered foods, when once eaten creates an new found amazing ephiphany

- The odd-couple of foods which to the naked eye would seem unlikley to go together, but once combined creates an undeniable dynamic or foodgasm
Ordering fries on a kebab pizza is my greatest epiphafood.
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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