The essential quality of a flagging political campaign, particularly when conducted by an incumbent who is overly confident of victory. This term is a reference to Joe Lieberman, whose perceived conservatism and tendency to publicly undercut the Democratic Party have led to an alienation of the Democratic base.
Polls suggest that Rick Santorum as Joementum to spare.
by bluedevil July 21, 2006
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Wow, Lieberman's campaign has got some real joementum... It's going down the drain...
by Jack January 29, 2004
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When during a contest and one side is cruising to an easy victory, and the officials stop the contest for four days to add points for the other team, then quietly release the results on a Saturday morning after having media cohorts gaslight the American public that this is normal and that the losing candidate was actually the victor.
The only way Biden was able to beat Trump was that magic Joementum!
by RustyP3527 November 7, 2020
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The velocity of fecal matter toward the floor from a politician with Dementia.
As Joe was walking away from the reporters the Joementum nearly blasted his shoes off.
by Oilblues September 20, 2020
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