10 definitions by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong

A man who feels his cocky demeaner somehow makes him a superior person. He however does not realize that in real life he collects wellfare and lives in a giant boot that was once owned by Paul Bunyan.
It looks like El Capitano Gatisto got out of the boot finally... thank god.
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong December 23, 2004
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The don himself. This guy runs the place, Dan the Man used to be his sex slave, but quit to work for SideburnZ. Overall Wedge can be summed up in six and a half words.

He is really great at doing Sta.... (I did say a half didn't I)
Wedge got wedged into the corner of his car again. Someone get this man the jaws of life.
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong December 23, 2004
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A man who takes pride in friends he will never meet in real life. He sleeps in his closet on most nights, and doesn't bathe. Also he has a sock that he wears on his left hand that has a face similar to his great-grandpa's and he spends time talking to this sock on his hand.
SideburnZ just spent twelve hours in his closet talking to his sock again while Masturbating to his winter boots.
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong September 10, 2004
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This man has several dead bodies in his basement in his freezer. They aren't human bodies though, but rather T-Bone Steaks. MTR stopped over wanting a steak taco, but RabidWookie wouldn't share.

RabidWookie is like that though, he saw Wedge wedged into the corner of his car and he didn't do anything about it.
RabidWookie is a god to some men. These men however do not exist. Go eat a steak RabidWookie...
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong October 20, 2005
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This guy gets a thumb up, that is for sure. However, can we really tell if he has thumbs or not? Is he capable of giving himself a thumbs up, or must he hold a thick pencil in his palm facing skyward to resemble a thumb? Either way the man is a legend, thumb or no thumb. He is close with Dan the Man but not in a sexual, friend ship, or literal meaning.
Is that a pencil in Miotch's hand?
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong December 23, 2004
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Best friends with XundertakerX. They are both friends in the 5th grade, and taught each other everything they know about sex.
I bet XundertakerX and Zefflin are pretending to go to a movie agian, so they can both slip into a sleeping bag.
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong December 23, 2004
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Dude has a hat made of pure butter. He and Miotch often go to see SideburnZ when he is out of the closet with his grandpa sock. Alphabean and Wedge are enemeys who would each each others faces out if they were not afraid of chipping a tooth.
How did you get that hat made of butter on to the beach without it melting Alphabean?
by Slapstick Comedy Gone Wrong December 24, 2004
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