3 definitions by SaugaMan97

When keyboard warriors are brawling in the middle of a comment section, uttering this sacred word will require them to advocate for the opposite of their beliefs with the same vigour
A: "Man I fucking hate capitalism"
B: "Without capitalism you would be dead"
C: "Cumswap"
A: "The freer the market The freer the people, trickle down economics works babyy
B: *Chants Soviet Anthem*
by SaugaMan97 May 20, 2022
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Toronto manz way of calling bullshit on something
A: “bro I smashed like 10 girls yesterday”
B:”aii bro claims lmao”
by SaugaMan97 December 2, 2018
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slang for buying something. Originally meant buying something from Amazon, but has been repurposed to mean buying something from just about anywhere.
A: I'm hungry

B: Y dont u zon a McChicken rn?
A: This is the gayest word I have ever heard
B: Yo zon some lube for that butthurt
A: Please zon a noose and hang yourself
by SaugaMan97 August 29, 2018
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