37 definitions by Ollie

this is addressed to the person who submitted the definition on mar 7th 2003. people who aren't from scotland quite often call scotsmen "scotch".
"you winging scotch twat"
by Ollie January 30, 2005
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the state of having to deficate so badly that a little bit's already sticking out. synonyms are: turtlehead, etc.
man, i gotta find a bathroom. i'm fucking dangerboxing!
by Ollie October 23, 2004
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An exceedingly camp homosexual who dominates the gay community, spreading his cum among as many queers as possible
That Rodney, he's a real mincenator. Keep away from him Ken, won't you?
by Ollie April 13, 2005
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A hybrid word derived from "wank" and "shit", meaning to shit and polish the monkey whilst doing so.
by Ollie January 3, 2009
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Taleim Edwards'fictional term to describe people being 'eaten' back to life by zombies.
"Zombies eat you back to unlife."
"Unlife isn't a real word, Taleim."
by Ollie June 24, 2004
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An adjective pertaining to either a fat, useless wigga git. Or just generally someone who'd sell their own grandmother for £2.50.

Also can be used as a general term for shit. Although it's usage in this context can sound distinctly pikey.
(in reference to pretty much anything cheap, nasty and distasteful)

That is so fuckin' Fred Durst!!

(in a rock club in reference to someone throwing some blazin' squad style faux hip shop arm movements)

Look at fuckin' Fred Durst over there! What a nobhead!!
by Ollie March 10, 2004
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