(verb) to restore to life.

- regain life, consciousness, or strength.

- give new strength or energy to.

- to be restored to best, optimal condition (used in Barbering to describe the results of getting an exceptional quality haircut) 💇🏻 ♂️

- bring new vigor to.

(Adj.) revived, maintained. Resurrected
I finally got my haircut. My barber did a great job. He brought me back to life.
by Alpha 1 May 10, 2020
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Like 'back seat driving', back seat lifing means a more knowledgable person will want to help the stuggling person with all decisions, as they clearly have no idea of what they are doing. A back seat lifer has been there and done that many times before and just wants to pass on his immense knowledge of everything.
Man walks in holding a beer, another man back seat lifing says "don't hold it like that, it should be held like this"

Man sharpening a pencil, another man back seat lifing says "don't sharpen it like that, it should be sharpened like this"

Man standing minding his own business man back seat lifing says "don't stand there like that, you should be standing like this"
by Punter Boy February 1, 2010
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When you can only cum after you've been dead for at least 3 minutes, but then you get shocked and nut so hard.
I got hit by a car, but then the EMT's made me nut back to life...
by Mjkisloski June 18, 2017
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when one decides to put their gentiles into a non breathing human often their grandmother and then proceeding to pound them to mars and back until their heart begins to beat
girl: omg grandmas just died

boy: aight lemme just fuck her corpse back to life
fucking a corpse back to life
by eatmyasshole December 2, 2019
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Why did you search this? Anyways, off-topic, Changed is a good, challenging furry puzzle game
Now the definition
man: Yo, that's the black man who died and came back to life cuz of jesus!
by what king September 5, 2021
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communicatng or attempting to reach out to a person
getting back into someones life is similair to apologizing
by didicostine October 8, 2018
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