56 definitions by Michael_Hunt

when numbers on an L.E.D. readout are rapidly changing they appear to be all 8's
I was filling up my car with gas I new I was having a bad fuel day when I looked up at the pump and saw the gallons slowly increase while the dollars were eighted-out.
by Michael_Hunt July 13, 2008
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Neal Bush was banned from the banking industry for his role in the collapse of Silverado Savings and Loan, which cost taxpayers $1 billion to bail-out.
by Michael_Hunt June 22, 2008
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niece of George W Bush, daughter of Jeb Bush
Noelle Bush got caught with crack cocaine while in drug rehab, but since her dad was governor at the time she never went to jail.
Jeb Bush is such a hypocrit whenever anyone mentions his daughter's drug problems he says it's a personal family matter, but he supports harsh prison terms for other nonviolent drug offenders.
by Michael_Hunt June 14, 2008
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anything that is likely to make a person pee a lot
Beer is loaded with vitamin pee.
by Michael_Hunt May 18, 2008
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George W Bush is such a moron he inherited a record budget surplus and a strong economy, he turned that into massive deficits and economic recession. Bush was so obsessed with invading Iraq that he ignored warnings about al-Qaida and even after 9/11 he went ahead with his plans to attack Iraq instead of persuing Osama bin Laden.
by Michael_Hunt November 10, 2008
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a combination of piss and diarhea, when drinking after you break the seal you have to piss every 5 minutes this is called pissarhea
At my friends bachelor party I chugged a pitcher of beer and the rest of the night I kept running to the bathroom with pissarhea.
by Michael_Hunt May 26, 2008
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a female police officer, a female pig is called a sow
Whenever Julie got pulled over for speeding she would just show a little cleavage and the cops would just let her off with a warning instead of giving her a ticket, but that didn't work when she got pulled over by a sow.
by Michael_Hunt May 26, 2008
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