79 definitions by Maxhole

dubm (dub um) ADJECTIVE.

1. A deliberate misspelling of the word “dumb,” meaning worse than stupid; intentional idiocy.

2. Any deliberate, spectacularly miserable failure masked as “mission accomplished.” From the presidential nickname, “Dubya” and “dumb.”
Larnie- I am not dumb, you are the one who is dumb, 'D-U-B-M' spells dumb.

Nick- Uh, Larnie, "D-U-B-M" spells "dubbum."

Larnie- (thinking) ...I hate you.

Nick- Sorry, gotta go, I hear your wife calling! Be sure to write when you learn how! Hey, guess what everybody, Larnie says I'm dubm!

Everybody- Huh?
by Maxhole June 25, 2009
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throbbery (throb bur ee) ADJECTIVE. The feeling of throbbing or pulsing sensations.
YEOW! I just wanged my funnybone on the stove- oh fuck, now it's all throbbery.


Every time I listen to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor I get all throbbery inside.
by Maxhole June 24, 2009
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gavelmonkey (gav el mung kee) NOUN. An incompetent, stupid and bigoted judge.
Did you hear the Supreme Court just ruled that convicts don't have a right to DNA testing, even if they pay for it themselves! What a bunch of gavelmonkeys!
by Maxhole June 20, 2009
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King George the Turd (jorj thuh turd) NOUN. George Walker Bush, 43rd president of the United States. See also, "Turd Reich."
This country is a scatocracy, the biggest shits rise to the top. That's how we wound up with King George the Turd.
by Maxhole June 20, 2009
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smegzecutive (smeg zek yu tiv) NOUN. An especially sleazy businessman. From “smegma” and “executive.”
From 2001 to 2008, Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Henry Paulson helped to destroy the banking, insurance, mortgage and loan industries. In doing so, they have ruined millions of lives and wrecked the world economy.

Instead of jailing them, President Obama picked them to fix the nation's economy. They chose to give their old bosses and buddies trillions of taxpayer dollars with no strings attached. It was a smegzecutive decision.

The world's economy is still a stagnant swamp because the billionaires are hoarding the free money, and will continue to do so until prices have dropped low enough for them to buy everything of value.
by Maxhole June 23, 2009
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wiggleize (wig el ized) ADJECTIVE. To make a person, place or thing wiggle, jiggle and shake.
I'm gonna wiggleize you until you piss yourself laughing.
by Maxhole June 25, 2009
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Phlegmocrat (flem oh krat) NOUN. An especially lazy or slimy Democrat.
When Feinstein was a city supervisor, she got the mayor's job because he was assassinated.

While mayor of San Francisco, her husband owned a fuckton of rental property downtown, and quadrupled his net worth. Her money more than doubled.

Now that she's on the Senate Committees on defense, intelligence and homeland security, her husband's company has all these Iraq and Afghanistan construction projects. She votes with Republicans for war to send more money to her hubby.

She oozed her way into office and nothing sticks to her protective coating of slime.

She's not a Democrat, she's a Phlegmocrat.
by Maxhole June 22, 2009
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