8 definitions by ManYooMan

Chrmemsecs, or to use it's English translation, Anoraks, are world renowned in the history of Evolution for being articulate in both oral and anal social intercourse.

The most self-centred of egotists, Chrmemsecs salient and hypocritical unconscious incompetence, encourages sufferers to refer to themselves as Captain or Doctor.

Chrmemsec is synonymous with the Greek word 'Phil' or 'loving', most sufferers tend to take the meaning quite literally and fall in love with themselves, ending up a complete basket case.
Hello Phil :O) your a fine example of a Chrmemsecphil
by ManYooMan May 2, 2005
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A fairly well known professional footballer and model for Daltons teapot manufacturers. Rumoured to be Patrick Vieiras shadow and Freddie Ljungbergs bitch. A kind hearted man who shows compassion for his mentor who happens to be myopic, and his peers who happen to cheat a lot.
The last time Henry had a piece of ass, his hand went through the toilet paper.
by ManYooMan January 7, 2005
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A synonym for A Goonerman or A Batty Boy.

Has a shrunken wallnut cushioned by sawdust instead of a cerebrum, and has difficulty in performing more than one task at the same time, such as breathing and movement. An occupant of heaths such as Hampstead he believes he is the most popular guy around.
by ManYooMan January 9, 2005
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Da creature known as Da Goonerman is definitely a Batty Boy
see above for an example of a Batty Boy
by ManYooMan January 7, 2005
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Godlike in stature and considered handsome even by other men. A person who has been stalked by both women and goonermen as he is considered to be a playboy and highly sought companion. Oustanding physique bordering on an Adonis, with a pleasant and agreeable demeanor.
by ManYooMan January 9, 2005
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A dude who's stupidity knows no bounds and is able to annoy friend and foe alike. A barrack room lawyer who is constantly threatening to sue almost everyone he meets. As an adholescent he was known as Mr punch and grope but now suffers with self inflicted myopia.
The most famous gooner of all time
by ManYooMan January 7, 2005
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......also prone to "big himself up" by voting for himself in ballots such as these see above His Employment and Matrimonial claims are straight from an episode of Only Fools & Horses, his personality being a cross between Del boy and Trigger calls himself tiger because he can't spell tr... Allthough a loner, has several egoes and therefore several friends.
My bad?? I seek counsel, for counsel hasn't voted for me yet!!
by ManYooMan January 12, 2005
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