2 definitions by MARVEL512345

saying, hello, hi, hola, a greeting and ummmmmmmm opposite is bye.
girl: hey
boy: hey
by MARVEL512345 September 22, 2020
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A smart girl who can be shy at first but very outgoing once you get to know her, she LOVES lasagna and her looks are 6/10 she has blond or brown hair and her insecurietys poke she may think she is ugly but she s very beutiful inside and out . A Ingrid can be a whole new bitch if you ever mess with her friends, she also loves the stars on how they shine upon thars and how much she loves Disney she already probobly has a collection from different disney films, She is also a huge harry potter fan and anime fan , i can even explain on how much she loves lot of things, a Ingrid has the most beutiful smile ever according to the people she met , she also has a good sense of humor , NEVER break a Ingrids trust you would regret pretty much your life. You can never really know if a Ingrid is broken or not ,she always puts up a smile no matter how many times shes got hurt.
if you meet an Ingrid pls appreciate that she is trying her best :)
by MARVEL512345 September 22, 2020
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