9 definitions by John Conde

An really old chick thats kind of fly
Damn that bitch look old, but she still a teridactle tho.
by John Conde June 19, 2023
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A VULA is a Verified Urban Legal Associate. These are people that have been to jail so many times they think that they know the law inside and out as lawyer would, so anytime you get into legal trouble and you cant afford a lawyer so you call a Vula to give you some semi credible legal adice. People that have done serious time like 10 years or more can be considered grand Vula's.
I couldnt afford a lawyer so I hit up my cousin that fuckers a grand Vula. He knows things.
by John Conde May 3, 2023
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A chick who comes outa nowhere to prevent her friend from hooking up with you.
I was this close to getting that chick to come back to the crib and I got hit by a rogue wave.
by John Conde June 19, 2023
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Curious powders have bulldozed your judgement and left your decision making in shables.
George did up a whole 8 ball on the solo tip and was so skidozered that he missed his own birthday party.
by John Conde May 3, 2023
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It is a sexual position that is so difficult too explain, just imagine how difficult it is to do. Its so difficult that it. Has reach mythological status and most people doubt its existance entirely.
I told my boy i was doin the kansas city bopper to this chick and he just cut me off mid story like " Just stop it, nobody even knows if the kansas city bopper exists, its like the phantom of the opera a myth"
by John Conde June 19, 2023
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Its when you are wearing shorts and you crap your pants or your shorts I should say.
Henry was bewildered by his own Mississippi Mudslide on hole #9 of the golf course.
by John Conde May 3, 2023
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It means permanent like Kaiser Permenente.
Joey got a tattoo he shouldnt have and when he looked in the mirror he said "Fuck this shit is kaiser huh"
by John Conde May 3, 2023
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