Which is known as Monkey..
- a slang of the word Monkey
oh, Vulas is here.
by A VPAS Member April 22, 2021
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A VULA is a Verified Urban Legal Associate. These are people that have been to jail so many times they think that they know the law inside and out as lawyer would, so anytime you get into legal trouble and you cant afford a lawyer so you call a Vula to give you some semi credible legal adice. People that have done serious time like 10 years or more can be considered grand Vula's.
I couldnt afford a lawyer so I hit up my cousin that fuckers a grand Vula. He knows things.
by John Conde May 3, 2023
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National hero of india, currently hiding in nepal
is it a bird? a plane? A plane? No its Vulas Rapido
by yuu mikazuki April 27, 2021
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