256 definitions by IAN

a slang term refering to a male who has a large penis.
...look at `donkey knob` over there...he`s popular with all the ladies.
by IAN July 30, 2003
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the greatest map ever in the history of games. Comes from the game Halo 1. On this map, epic games are played, sometimes for 4 to 5 hours.
Players: Man, we started playing this round of capture the flag at 11pm, and we just finished, what time is it now?

Other players: Umm its 2076, theres no such thing as "time" anymore.

Players: Oh. Anyways you guys cheated I want a rematch.
by IAN February 22, 2005
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When you throw any object into the low slung ho's tank top
*after the throw* "Oh yeah! From downtown!"
by IAN January 20, 2004
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Man that chick has some bigass strobes. I wanna run it in between 'em.

Hey ho, show me dem strobes!

Damn foo, your bitch has got some lopsided-ass strobes.
by IAN June 17, 2003
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a truely vile surprise. heres how it works. first, take a glass jar (must be glass). make sure its got big enough of an opening to accept a leg or breast of chicken. next, get uncooked chicken parts and milk. it helps if the milk has alredy gone bad. combine milk and chicken in the glass jar until you cant fit anymore and its about to overflow. next, tightly secure the top onto the glass jar. now, discretely place the bomb in the heating ducts of a home or apartment. this is most effective after getting evicted or you catch your gurlfriend cheating on you. the next step is to simply wait. it may take time, so be patient. what happens is after repeated exposure to heat and pressure, the glass will eventually break or the top will pop off. if you can only find a rather thick jar you may want to poke a small hole into the top to ensure the smell gets released. after this happens, the most vile stench is released throughout the home, creating a constant unbareable smell that only gets worse every time the heat goes on. milk chicken bombs, when made and dispensed properly, have been known to make a home unliveable.
"that bitch wont know what hit her after my milk chicken bomb goes off motherfucker!"
by IAN June 15, 2006
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A threat or conspiracy that either turns out to be bogus, or simply fails to materialize.
The administration's claim that terrorists would attack us using bomb-laden sparrows turned out to be just another VaporScare.
by IAN January 3, 2005
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In Cricket when a bowler is having a rather poor over, being hit for six or four every ball, ie smacked out of the ground. This is often refered to as being 'Smacked about like Sheryl Gascoigne'.
(Also used in computer game cricket game Brian Lara)

This saying comes from ex-footballer & ex-"manager" plus recovering alcoholic & wife beater Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne, who used to hit Sheryl about a bit.
"Ah man three sixes & two fours off that over, you're being Smacked about like Sheryl Gascoigne!"
by IAN February 7, 2006
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