17 definitions by Goatman Gamer

Someone who sneakily tries to flush corn on the cob down the toilet.

Coined by NikkiNacks's father; mentioned in Season 1, Episode 24 of SleepyCast.
"Hey can you go grab that thing off the shelf for me, corn flusher?"
by Goatman Gamer March 31, 2023
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Refers to the power, strength, force, or impact of something; similar to "oomph". Typically used to refer to sounds, but is flexible in usage.

In music it refers to a lot of bass, in voice acting it can refer to the passion put into the impression. In movies, shows, books, or lyrics it can refer to the message being powerful or impactful. People with a lot of whumpage can mean they are strong or have a lot of courage.

Coined by Markiplier
Friend #1: "Why is this song is such a banger!?"
Friend #2: "Probably 'cause its got a lot of whumpage."
by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023
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A racial slur used to discriminate and/or insult Canadians.
"I hate those dumbass Canadians. Go buy some Tim Hortons and die you stupid syrup fuckers."
by Goatman Gamer March 30, 2023
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An acronym that stands for Ejaculation Injection Overdose.

It is a specific type of suicide that involves filling up a syringe with a significant amount of your or someone else's semen and injecting a lethal amount of it into your bloodstream causing you to die.
Professor Splotchula was so mad at the class, he went into the bathroom and E.I.Oed.

I can't believe Isaac commited suicide by doing an E.I.O.

Old McDonald had a farm and then he double E.I.Oed. Some would say he E.I.E.I.Oed.
by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023
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a word that you intentionally use in a sentence despite it having no meaning. Then when some asks you what the definition of the word is, you simply reply with a nod, short exclamation, or some other equivocal remark that doesn't actually answer their question.

Similarly to cunky, it is a flexible word with no true definition, so it can mean anything you want it to mean.

Klugleflurm also happens to be the fanonical eigth dwarf in "Snow White And The Seven Dwarves".

Coined by Daniel Avidan in a Family Feud episode of Game Grumps
Man #1: "You see that new show on HBO? It was pretty good, but it had a bit too much klugleflurm for my taste."
Man #2: "What's a klugleflurm?"
Man #1: "Mhm."
by Goatman Gamer March 11, 2023
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The action of taking both your hands and putting them behind your back on your ass with your fingers curled inward like a claw while furiously scratching your butt cheeks.
After Alex got bit on the ass by a horde of mosquitos, he performed the classic Double Cheek Scritch maneuver.
by Goatman Gamer March 8, 2023
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A line of cocaine; another term for a “bump
You guys wanna go in the bathroom and snort a snow snake?”
by Goatman Gamer February 2, 2023
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