a word that you intentionally use in a sentence despite it having no meaning. Then when some asks you what the definition of the word is, you simply reply with a nod, short exclamation, or some other equivocal remark that doesn't actually answer their question.

Similarly to cunky, it is a flexible word with no true definition, so it can mean anything you want it to mean.

Klugleflurm also happens to be the fanonical eigth dwarf in "Snow White And The Seven Dwarves".

Coined by Daniel Avidan in a Family Feud episode of Game Grumps
Man #1: "You see that new show on HBO? It was pretty good, but it had a bit too much klugleflurm for my taste."
Man #2: "What's a klugleflurm?"
Man #1: "Mhm."
by Goatman Gamer March 11, 2023
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